Finding Aide for Willamette Heritage Center Collection 2006.050. Prepared by Meg Flanders, Fall 2017.
This collection contains materials collected by R.W. Hogg and family over the course of their operations of a farm in West Salem, Oregon.

The main people responsible for the creation of this collection are Ronald W. (R.W.) Hogg, Jennie Hogg, Ronald Valentine (R.V.) Hogg, John Glenn Hogg, Margaret Hogg.

Robert W. Hogg was born 1869 in Pennsylvania. He married Jennie Nutter on Jan 1, 1893 in Nebraska, where he and his family lived for a few years. By 1910 the Hogg family was living on a farm in Salem off of Route 2. Hogg was a prominent member of the Oregon agricultural community. He held positions in many agricultural organizations such as Vice President of the Oregon Swine Breeders Association, and the Oregon Fruit Growers Association. Hogg also spent time as the Superintendent of Livestock at the Oregon State Fair. The Hogg family business, R.W. Hogg and Sons bred and raised Poland China hogs, Angora goats, and Hampshire sheep, winning numerous awards for their high-quality livestock. His sons, Ronald Valentine (R.V.) Hogg and John Glenn Hogg worked on the family farm, his daughter, Margaret was a music teacher. Ronald W. Hogg died on the 18th of May 1952 at the age of 83.

Provenance :
From the estate of a cousin of Ronald Valentine, John Glenn, and Margaret Hogg.

Scope and Content:
The Hogg Farm records contain informational agricultural materials from the early to mid-1900s as well as financial records and documents kept by the family. Agricultural materials include:
- books of sheep pedigrees
- pedigree charts of various livestock
- livestock registration papers,
- agricultural magazines
- livestock advertisements
- photographs of sheep, goats, and pigs.
The collection also contains miscellaneous personal items including
- schoolwork and report cards
- ration booklets
- two scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings.
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