From Chihuahua to Dallas, Oregon in 1907
It sure seems like Atilana Nayares Phillips[1] had an unfair amount of sorrow in her life. Yet in spite of what life threw at her, she found a way to keep going. To borrow a descriptor from another famous Oregonian, she was one tough mother. Researching her life events in civil registration books, census records and gravestones is frustratingly devoid of insights into how she dealt with the losses and upheavals in her life. I can’t help but wonder what she was feeling when she arrived in Dallas, Oregon in 1907[2] from Hidalgo del Parral in Chihuahua, Mexico.
Thanks to a law passed in 1859, the Mexican Government kept very detailed records, requiring individuals to appear before a civil judge with witnesses for births, deaths and marriages.[3] Much of what we know of Atilana’s early life comes from these records that have been helpfully digitized and made available for free by the LDS genealogy site
Atilana Nayares (sometimes spelled Anayares, Anajares, Nallares and Najares[4]) was born in 1871[5] in “Pueblo de Los Pinos” in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.[6] By the time of her first marriage in 1890[7] she had relocated to Hidalgo del Parral, a city in a rich mining area which had been known for and profited from its silver and mineral deposits since the 1600s. Several years after Atilana’s move to Oregon, the city would become infamous as the place in which Mexican revolutionary leader Francisco “Pancho” Villa was assassinated.[8]
The civil registers give us some clues about Atilana’s early life. We know that the name of Atilana’s father never appears in the records which show her marriages and the births of many of her children, suggesting her parents never married. Later census records after she moved to the United States claimed her mother was born in Mexico, but that her father was born in Italy.[9]
She, however, was married at 19 to José Felipe Grajeda Martinez.[10] The couple would welcome the births of six children, only three of whom would survive their early childhood.[11] Within the short span of one very bad year, Atilana would lose her one-day-old son Cesario to what the doctor described as “Eclampsia,”[12] her four-year-old daughter Alejandra to life ending second degree burn, and her 34-year-old husband to an epileptic event. She was a widow at 29 with three young children (Paz, Blasa and María) to raise on her own.[13]
Atilana’s next appearance in the civil registration records comes about a year and a half later when she appeared before a judge with twin boys Felipe and Cayetano, if this record is to be believed, just 3 ½ hours after giving birth. Later records suggest it might have been a week after giving birth, but still! Their father’s name is not included in the record, but there is statement that they are “hijos ilegítimos” (illegitimate sons) under the definition of the civil code.[14] Tragedy would again strike her home nine days after this record was made, when little Cayetano died of what the doctor described as acute gastroenteritis.[15]
It seems very likely that the twins were the sons of an American miner living in the area – Isaac Phillips, who Atilana would later marry and move with to Dallas, Oregon. Surviving twin Felipe, later Phillip would be listed as a son and heir in Isaac’s will in ways that Atilana’s older children were not.[16]
Isaac Philips was a Kentucky-born, Civil War Veteran.[17] After he was discharged from the Union army he made his way west mining – first for quartz in Owyhee County, Idaho[18] and eventually gold, silver, copper and lead in Chihuahua.[19] Isaac was 28 years Atilana’s senior.[20] If it wasn’t a love match, I hope it was at least a like match.
The couple would have three more sons (Robert,[21] José/Joseph[22], Isaac[23]) before officially marrying in 1907.[24] Son Tomás, later Thomas, was born in that same year and was presented to the judge by his father Isaac.[25]
1907 was another big year for Atilana. In addition to a wedding and new baby, by December the entire family had relocated to a different country. An article in the Polk County Observer on December 31, 1907 announced that: “Isaac Phillips and Family of Mexico, are visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.D. Philips. They will secure property and settle near Dallas.”[26] T.D. was in fact Thomas Durham Philips, Isaac’s younger brother.[27] While being close to family may have been a motivation for selecting Dallas, a notation in Isaac’s obituary hints that political changes in Mexico, then on the eve of revolution, was a catalyst for wanting to move. “[Isaac] was successful in Mexican mining ventures, but impending trouble and revolutions led him to forsake that country and come to Oregon,” the obituary reads.[28] The family bought 50 acres southeast of Dallas and took to farming. By the time they listed this property for sale, it was advertised as being “50 acres, 1 ¼ miles from town, southeast, all under cultivation; no wasteland; 15 acres in orchard.”[29] The 1910 US Federal Census paints a vivid picture of a busy and bilingual household on a fruit farm, parents and all nine children listed as speaking English and Spanish.[30]
The family eventually also purchased a house in town,[31] on Main Street.[32] The original plat of the area doesn’t list any cross streets, and I’ve spent many hours trying to track down exactly where the house was. Best I can guess, cross referencing the legal description, Polk County’s GIS system and Sanborn maps is that it once stood on the NE corner of what was then Cherry and Main Streets and that it is possible that the Phillps‘ family converted what was the original offices for the Salem Falls City and Western that occupied most of that area into their home. The house no longer stands.[33] It was this property that was left to Atilana in her husband’s will upon his death.[34]

Gravestone of William Taft Phillips, Dallas Cemetery. Photo Taken November 2023 by author
Isaac, who garners the most newspaper coverage, seemingly settled into community life in Dallas. Most of the newspaper mentions are of his involvement in the local chapter of the Grand Army of the Republic – a veterans’ organization for those who served in the Union Army during the Civil War. He marched in parades[35] and attended reunions and conferences.[36] He is also listed as an elder in the Dallas Christian Church.[37] After two marriages within the Catholic Church, one wonders a bit about how Atilana felt about the changes around her. Outside of her full house, was she able to find community and fellowship herself?
Two more sons (William Taft and John) were born to the family in Dallas. More sorrow came as well. Son William died at just 23-days-old from lung congestion.[38] A gravestone in the Dallas Cemetery marks William’s grave. On the stone is etched Atilana’s name, maybe the only artifact left of her presence in the Dallas area.
There were close calls, too. Atilana’s oldest son, Paz, was the victim of an unusual hit and run accident while bicycling in 1910. The West Salem Stage (think bus before there were buses – so wagon/carriage drawn by horses) knocked him down, smashed his bicycle, and didn’t stop to see if he was ok. Paz, who took his stepfather’s surname, was described as “a little Spanish lad” despite the fact that he was 19-years-old at the time. He suffered a puncture wound between his shoulder blades from the wagon tongue. The article notes that he was most upset that his brand-new bicycle that had cost him $15 had been destroyed.[39] Paz made a full recovery and would go on to work for the Southern Pacific Railroad as a section hand in Dallas[40] before moving to San Francisco.[41]
Isaac passed away in 1927, after a short stay in the Oregon State Veterans home in Roseburg. He left the house in Dallas to Atilana for use during her lifetime. She soon moved to San Francisco where several of her children had also relocated.[42] She died just a couple of years later at age 58.[43]
Atilana Nayares Family Tree

Cited Sources
[1] Sources indicate that Atilana Nayares at various times in her life was known as Atilana Nayares and Atilana Phillips. We recognize that in record keeping in Mexico, women would have kept their father’s surnames when married. Also note, that no father’s name is given on her civil registration (just mother — Amada Nayares). When she appears in the civil registration records in her precinct in Chihuahua, she is identified as Atilana Nayares, even after her marriage to Felipe Grajeda/Grageda. Also note that records within the United States show her as using a married name of Phillips. I’ve chosen to list these surnames here to cover all bases of people researching this individual. Note these names here: Nayares (birth surname – mother’s name and her legal name in Mexico even after her marriages), Grajeda (first husband’s paternal surname and the name given to her children with him) and Phillips (second husband’s name which she used as legal name during her time in the U.S.).
Note also, that several (but not all) of the Civil Registration records from Chihuahua, list Atilana’s name with a “Ma” prior to the name, suggesting her full name may have been Maria Atilana. However, this does not appear to be a name she used later in life, so we have left it off here. See Williams, Sonja “Understanding Documents form Mexico” for more information on naming conventions and abbreviations.
[2] Family’s arrival in Dallas is dated to 1907 thanks to the following sources:
Polk County Observer 31 December 1907 pg. 3 (Historic Oregon Newspapers) makes note that “Isaac Phillips and Family of Mexico, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.D. Phillips. They will secure property and settle near Dallas.” Placing them in Dallas by 1907.
Polk County Observer 14 Jan 1908 (”
“Isaac Phillips has purchased several acres of farm land adjoining the Holman dairy ranch near Dallas, and will settle there with his family. Mr. Phillips is a brother of T.D. Phillips, and came from Mexico only a short time ago in search of a home in the United States.”
Similarly, Isaac Phillips’ obituary (“Phillips Rites Held at Dallas This Afternoon” Capital Journal 15 April 1927 pg. 3 ( reads: “. He was successful in Mexican mining ventures but impending trouble and revolutions led him to forsake that country and come to Oregon in 1907. He settled near Dallas and has since resided here.”
[3] Mexico Civil Registration. Family Search WIKI
[4] Examples of spelling Najares — 1900 Civil Registration death of Felipe Grageda (FamilySearch). Also see article “#AGNRecuerda la creacion del Registro Civil Mexicano. Gobierno De México.
Death Registration 21 Feb 1900. Son of Cesario Grageda and Blaza Martinez, husband of Atilana Najares. Spelling as Anajares — Civil Registration of the Birth of Blaza and Cesario (twins) (FamilySearch) and Anayres — Civil Birth Registration (FamilySearch) Soledad Grageda Anayares; Civil Registration of the Birth of Blaza and Cesario (twins) (FamilySearch) – mother called Amada Anayares. The church marriage record from San Jose del Parral 23 Aug 1890 (FamilySearch) spells her name Nallares.
[5] Date estimate based off California death index age at time of death (California Death Index ( 1929), 1910 and 1920 US Federal Census (1910 US Federal Census (; 1920 US Federal Census ( and age listed in civil registrations for children including Maria in 1893 when she is listed as 22 years of age (Civil Registration of Birth (FamilySearch))
[6] Civil Registration (Chihuahua Mexico) for the birth of Tomás Nayares in Hidalgo del Parral 27 May 1907 FamilySearch Reads in describing mother Atilana Nayares: “nativa del Pueblo de Pinos Altos, Estado de Chihuahua.” NB there appears to be several areas called Pinos Altos in the state of Chihuahua and I could not deduce which may have been meant by this record. The famous Pinos Altos known for the big strike was located in the district of Ocampos (28.27229378421528, -108.30503016253984 GoogleMaps coordinates) see also There also appears to be one in the municipality of Guadalupe y Calvo ( near the Rio Turuachi and the border with the state of Durango.
[7] 1890 Marriage Record Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico (Familysearch) 26 Jul 1890 El Parral Mexcio, Marriage Registration
[8] See also Bueno, José Félix “Parral y sus circunstancias históricas” El Sol De Parral 2 Jun 2020
[9] 1910 US Federal Census ( Prichard Ave – Dallas Ward 1, Polk, Oregon
House hold of Isaac Phillips; Also 1920 US Federal Census (
Dallas, Polk, Oregon
[10] Marriage Record: 1890 Marriage Record Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico (Familysearch)
26 Jul 1890 El Parral Mexcio, Marriage Registration; 23 Aug 1890 – Church Marriage Record (FamilySearch) Numero 1079 – Felipe Grajeda con Ma Atilana Nallares Casados; Newspaper Record El Estado de Chihuahua 29 Sep 1890 (Hemeroteca Nacional Digital de Mexcio)
Matrimonio autorizado Aogsto 22 Felipe Grageda y M. Atilana Nayares; Birth of Jose Felipe in 1866 ;
[11] Only Paz, Blasa and Soledad are listed on their father’s death certificate in 1900 (1900 Civil Registration death of Felipe Grageda (FamilySearch). “Dejando de su matrimonio tres hijos – 1 varon llamado Paz y dos mujeres llamados Marie y Blasa…” There are birth records for at least three other children before that time period. Soledad Gregara Nayares born 28 Sept 1894 (Christening Record. Catholic Church Records Chihuahua. (FamilySearch) – could not find death record. Alejandra (1897-1899). Civil Registration of Birth (FamilySearch)/ Civil Death Registration (Family Search). And Cesario (1899-1899). Civil Registration of the Birth of Blaza and Cesario (twins) (FamilySearch)/ Civil Registration for the death of Cesario Grajeda (FamilySearch).
[12] Civil Registration for the death of Cesario Grajeda (FamilySearch) “En la ciudad de Hidalgo del Parral a las 11.5 de la mañana del día 9 de Febrero de 1899….compareció el Ciudadano Felipe Grajeda, natural de esta Ciudad…..presento un certificado suscrito por el Medido Gelesoro Gonzalez en el que consta que ayer a las 6 de la tarde falleció en la expresada casa atacado de la enfermedad con el nombre de Eclampcia el niño Cesario Grajeda.”
[13] 1900 Civil Registration death of Felipe Grageda (FamilySearch) — lists three children surviving Jose Felipe including son Paz and daughters Marie and Blasa. There is some confusion there are two daughters born to the couple within two years. Soledad and Maria. Maria’s name appears here, but Soledad appears in the 1910 census. I thought I had made a mistake and that I was looking at a daughter named Maria Soledad (as was common to have Maria as a first name), but there are two distinct civil registration records for a Maria and a Soledad and two distinct church records. I could not find evidence of death records for either child and the surviving child takes on the name Charlotte Mary after moving to the US and the records here are not clear enough.
[14] 1901 Civil Registration Chihuahua – Nacimientos (Family Search)
En la ciudad de Hidalgo del Parral, a las 5 (cinco) de la tarde del dia 10 (dies) de Agosto de 1901 (mil novecientos uno) ante mi Tito Orricher, Juez del Estado Civil de este lugar, compareció la Señora Atelana Nayares, mayor de edad, soltera en domicilio en el barrio de las Huertas casa sin numero y presente dos niños gemelos del sexo masculinos, declarando que uno de ellos nació a la 1 (una) ye el otro a la 1 ½ una ye media de la tarde que al niño que nació primero le pone por nombre Felipe y Cayetano al que nació después, que ambos gemelos son hijos ilegítimos de la comparente cuyo nombre se hace cestas de conformidad con la que dispone el articulo 84 ochenta y cuatro del Código civil. (Translation by the author: In the city of Hidalgo del Parral, at 5 o’clock in the afternoon, of the 10th of August 1901, before me, Tito Orricher, Judge of the Civil State of this place, appeared Mrs. Atelena Nayares, not a minor, single and living in the neighborhood of Huertas in an unnumbered house. She presented to me two children, twin boys, stating that they had been born at 1 o’clock and the other at 1:30 in the afternoon and that the first born child they gave the name Felipe. And the name Cayetano to the boy born next. That both twins are illegitimate sons and that they have been given their name and accounted for in conformity with the rules put forth in article 84 of the civil code.)
[15] 1901 Death Registration (Family Search). Note that the informant states the child was born to Atilana and her late husband Jose Felipe Grajeda Martinez and assigns the surname Grajeda for that reason. However, as the birth record shows, the child was recorded by their mother as illegitimate and the husband had been dead for over a year by the time the birth took place.
Defunción del niño Cayetano Grajeda de Gastroenteritis Aguda
En la ciudad de Hidalgo del Parral, a las 10 de la mañana del día 19 de Agosto de 1901 ante mi Tito Orricola Juez del Estado Civil compareció a la Señora Aleta Barraja, mayor de edad, soltera, con domicilio en el barrio de las Huertas numero 5 y presento un certificado …por el medico…que consta que hoy a las de la mañana falleció atacado del la enfermedad conocida con el nombre gastro enteritis aguda el niño Cayetano Grajeda. El ….dijo que el finado era originario de esta ciudad de 12 días de edad hijo de Señor Felipe Grajeda y de la Señora Atilana Nayares
Translation by author. Death of child, Cayetano Grajeda of Acute Gastroenteritis. In the city of Hidalgo del Parral, at 10 o’clock in the morning of the day of August 19, 1901, before me, Tito Orricola, Judge of the Civil State, Mrs. Aleta Barraja, appeared before me. She is of age, single, and lives in the neighborhood of Huertas, house number 5, and presented to me a certificate…from the doctor…that stated that today in the morning, died by an attack of sickness known by the name of acute gastroenteritis, the child Cayetano Grajeda. She stated that the deceased was born in this city and was 12 days old, and son of Mr.Felipe Grajeda and Mrs. Atilana Nayares.
[16] Oregon US Wills and Probate Records ( written 1926, proved 1927
In the Matter of the Estate of Isaac Phillips, Deceased
[17] 1850 US Federal Census (Ancestry)Oldham, Kentucky household of Isaac Phillips. Son Isaac, age 7 born Kentucky. See also 1860 US Federal Census (Ancestry) Salt River, Ralls, Missouri. Age 16.; “G.A.R. Posts Elects” Oregon Statesman 21 January 1919 pg. 6 (Historic Oregon Newspapers)
Elected to position. US. Grant Post in Dallas.; “Ex-Soldiers Attend Reunion.” Polk County Itemizer 18 Jun 1915 pg. 7 (; US Civil War Pension Index (
Phillips, Isaac
[18] 1880 US Federal Census (Ancestry) Owyhee, Idaho, USA, Isaac Philips, 37, Quartz Miner
[19] See filings for mine claims that list Isaac Philips for “oro, plata, cobre y plomo” mineral leases. “Al Publico” Periódico Oficial 16 Jan 1904 pg 9 Hermeroteca Nacional Digital de México; Al Public Periódico Oficial 2 Abril 1904 pg 21 Hermeroteca National Digital de Mexcio; Al Publico. Periódico Oficial. 13 Feb 1904 Pg 15 Hermeroteca National Digiatl de Mexico
[20] Atilana was born in 1870. Isaac was born in 1843 according to his obituary. “Phillips Rites Held at Dallas This Afternoon” Capital Journal 15 April 1927 pg 3 (
[21] Robert Knox Philips born 08 Dec 1902 in Mexico. California Death Index (FamilySearch)
[22] José Nayares/Philips, registered as illegitimate in the Hidalgo del Parral Civil Registry records (Family Sear) 25 January 1904. Civil Birth Registration for José Nayares. (FamilySearch) En la Ciudad de Hidalgo del Parral en xxx 4 y 20 minutos de la tarde del día 25 veinte ciento Enero de 1904… presento mi Rodolfo Valles Juez del Estado Civil de este lugar, compareció la Señora Atelana Nayarez mayor de edad soltera con domicilio en el barrio de las Huertas casa sin numero ye presento un niño vivo nacido en la expresada casa a las 10 de la noche del día 5 del actual a quien pasa por nombre José que es higo ilegitimo de la comparente cuyo nombre se de conformidad con la que. …
[23] Isaac Nayares/Philips born 05 Nov 1905 Mexico. Per California Death Index (Familysearch)
[24] 1907 Marriage Record Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexcio (FamilySearch);
[25] Civil Registration (Chihuahua Mexico) FamilySearch Tomas Philips. 25 May 1907 – Hidalgo del Parral. En la Ciudad Hidalgo del Parral, a las 4 y media de la tarde del día 25 de Mayo de 1907, ante mi Rodolfo Valles, Juez del Estado Civil de este lugar compareció el Señor Don Isaac Phillips, natural de Estados unidos de América, y vecino de esta Ciudad, de 64 años de edad, casado, con domicilio en el barrio de las Huertas, casa número 23 y presento un niño vivo nacido en la expresada casa, a las 2 de la tarde del día 20 de Abril anterior del corriente ano a quien puso por nombre Tomas, hijo legítimo de expresado y de su esposa la Señora Atilana Nayares, nativa del Pueblo de Pinos Altos, Estado de Chihuahua, mayor edad, casada. El niño presentado es nieto por línea paterna de los finados Don Isaac Phillips y la señora Catherine Phillips, y por la materna la Señora Amada Nayares ya finada, Fueron testigos de este nato los Ciudadanos Melgria des Gutierrez y Manuel Cobos, mayores de edad casado, empleados con domicilio en premio en la Plazuela de Guadalupe, número 20, el segundo vive en la Calle de Puente numero 18 fue esta actor por marón de conformidad
[26] Polk County Observer 31 December 1907 pg. 3 (Historic Oregon Newspapers)
[27] Polk County Observer 14 Jan 1908 (
Isaac Phillips has purchased several acres of farmland adjoining the Holman dairy ranch near Dallas, and will settle there with his family. Mr. Phillips is a brother of T.D. Phillips, and came from Mexico only a short time ago in search of a home in the United States; 1860 US Federal Census (Ancestry)
Salt River, Ralls, Missouri shows Thomas D. Philips as 9 years old to Isaac’s 16.; Thomas Durham Philips (Find-a-grave).
[28] “Phillips Rites Held at Dallas This Afternoon” Capital Journal 15 April 1927 pg. 3 (
[29] “For Sale or Exchange.” Polk County Observer 18 December 1913 (Historic Oregon Newspapers)
50 acres, 1 ¼ miles from town, southeast, all under cultivation; no waste land; 15 acres in orchard; $150 an acre; $3000 cash balance on time. – Isaac Philllips, Dallas
[30] 1910 US Federal Census (
Prichard Ave – Dallas Ward 1, Polk, Oregon
[31] See deed of purchase 1915 Plk County Direct Deed Index; 1915 Gerlinger to Isaac Phillips WD 60 393 Lot 5 Block 2 Shultz La Creole Homstead Addition to City of Dallas.
[32] Cross reference with the Plat Map for the A.Schultz La Creole Homstead Addition to the City of Dallas. Map available through county online here:\DV13-175.pdf. .
[33] 1880 Plat Map of the A. Shultz La Creole Homestead Addition to the City of Dallas. See Polk County GIS System map Search for Survey and Subdivision; 1939 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map (Proquest Digital — Salem Public Library); 1913 Sanborn Fire Insurance – Library of Congress;
[34] Oregon US Wills and Probate Records ( written 1926, proved 1927
In the Matter of the Estate of Isaac Phillips, Deceased…. SECOND: I give and bequeath unto my wife, Atalana Phillips, for the term of her natural life, the following described real premises to-wit: Lot no. 5 in Block No. 2 in Shultz La Creole Homestead Addition to Dallas, in Polk County, Oregon, she to have the full use and control thereof, and the rents and profits therefrom, as long as she lives.
[35] “Old Soldiers will March” Polk County Observer 19 May 1911 pg. 4(
[36] “Ex-Soldiers Attend Reunion.” Polk County Itemizer 18 Jun 1915 pg. 7 (; “G.A.R. Posts Elects” Oregon Statesman 21 January 1919 pg. 6 (Historic Oregon Newspapers)
Elected to position. US. Grant Post in Dallas.
[37] “Dallas Church Names Officers for Year” Capital Journal 03 Aug 1922 pg. 10 (Historic Oregon Newspapers) Isaac
[38] Death Certificate Polk County. (
William T. Phillips
Male, White
Born Dec 14 1908
Age 23 days
Born Oregon
Father: Isaac Philips (born Kentucky)
Mother: Atilana Grajara born Mexico
Date of death Jan 6, 1909. Cause: Congestion of the lungs, no attending physician.; Findagrave (Findagrave)
[39] “Dallas Boy Loses Wheel” Polk County Observer 9 Sept 1910 pg 3 (Historic Oregon Newspapers)
[40] WWI Draft Record ( Paz G. Phillips, 26 years old
[41] WWII Draft Record (Ancestry). Paz Gorge Philips 842 Fulton St San Fran; California Death Index (FamilySearch)
Paz George Phillips
[42] 1929 San Francisco City Directory (
Phllips, Atilana (Wid Isaac) h1349 York
[43] California Death Index. ( 1929
Atilana Phillips AGE 58 90 Date of Death:1/6/29 29 4910 – State File Number
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