Auburn Elementary School
Auburn Elementary School 1967, Auburn School, WHC Collections x2012.016.0416 Auburn Elementary School started out as Union Sunday School in 1902. The building [...]
Auburn Elementary School 1967, Auburn School, WHC Collections x2012.016.0416 Auburn Elementary School started out as Union Sunday School in 1902. The building [...]
Adam Stephens Middle School Adam Stephens Middle School, dedicated on October 12, 1995, is named for Adam Stephens, a venerable man of many talents [...]
YWCA: Celebrating 90 Years in Salem YWCA building 768 State Street, WHC Collections 2007.001.0562 1855 - - - First YWCA founded in [...]
Salem's YMCA The Salem Family YMCA has served its members well in matters of "Spirit, mind, and body" for more than a century, making [...]
World War II in Salem: Largest Population Increase Since 1890s 1942, Enlisting of "Oregon Avengers of Pearl Harbor", Salem, Oregon, June 7, 1942 [...]
Salem's Part In World War II: A Year By Year Chronology December 7, 1941 - It begins On that day that would "live in [...]
Henry Adair and Camp Adair Camp Adair wooden sign with crossed rifles, "Site of the cantonment where these divisions trained during World War [...]
Salem's Woman's Club On October 12, 2001, the Salem Woman's Club celebrated 100 years of community service at a luncheon in a local restaurant. [...]
Weathers Music Corporation Weathers Music Corporation has been a strong source of music products and support for music activities in Oregon, and particularly in [...]
Weathers Music Timeline 1914 - Walt Weathers was born 1918 (Approx.) - A"Music man" comes to Touchet, Wa. Helps organize a town band, selling [...]