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Talk with a NHHC representative!

NHHC’s mission is to preserve and present an accurate history of the U.S. Navy through the following lines of effort: 

  • Locate, collect and preserve documents, artifacts, photos, oral histories, and art that best represent the history of the U.S. Navy. 
  • Locate and protect lost U.S. Navy ships and aircraft, particularly those that represent the last resting place of American Sailors to the maximum extent feasible. 
  • Present the history and heritage of the U.S. Navy to Navy leadership, Sailors and the American public through publications, articles, museum exhibits, web and social media outreach, speaking engagements, static displays, loans of artifact and art, educational programs, and maintenance of the USS CONSTITUTION and the Historic Ship Nautilus. 
  • As the U. S. Navy’s institutional memory, assist U.S. Navy leadership in meeting operational readiness, policy, acquisition, and professional development requirements, through high velocity learning. 


Check out this Oregon Navy History and Puzzle Sheet to brush up on your Navy history and stop by to talk to the NHHC representative if you have more questions. 

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