Jefferson Barbers
This excerpt is from an article that was first published in the Oregon Statesman. We located it in a series of undated clippings in the [...]
This excerpt is from an article that was first published in the Oregon Statesman. We located it in a series of undated clippings in the [...]
Ruth Sather Collection, 1986.015.0055 In a collection of materials from Jefferson, comes this photo and an unsourced typewritten description of Pauline Looney: Pauline Looney--was an excellent [...]
We recently uncovered an open letter from Bryan Goodenough to the Salem High School Class of 1917 (X2012.027.0001). The letter, dated 1961, includes updates on [...]
In moving the filing cabinets yesterday we also revealed some stickers stuck to their sides. Having just discovered the B.F. Drake collection of letters in [...]
With the help of our marvelous volunteer Sue, we did a little rearranging and cleaning in the archives storage today. We can now open all [...]
Before I-5 was a twinkle in the Federal Government's eye, transportation through the valley looked a little bit different. This map, from the State Farm [...]
Before I-5 was a twinkle in the Federal Government's eye, transportation through the valley looked a little bit different. This map, from the State Farm [...]
The Epworth League was, and continues to be, Methodist group for young adults. In this bulletin (M3 1974-041-0027) from an 1897 [...]
In 2010, the Willamette Heritage Center received a scrapbook capturing the history of Lincoln School in the late 1920s and early 1930s (1928-1936). Lincoln School [...]
The Marion County Historical Society received a donation of materials documenting the lives of the Fast family of Salem in [...]