Atilana Nayares Phillips
From Chihuahua to Dallas, Oregon in 1907 It sure seems like Atilana Nayares Phillips[1] had an unfair amount of sorrow in her life. Yet [...]
From Chihuahua to Dallas, Oregon in 1907 It sure seems like Atilana Nayares Phillips[1] had an unfair amount of sorrow in her life. Yet [...]
It was likely a warm summer day when the steam locomotive huffed and hissed into the Salem railroad depot in 1890, and the travel [...]
Saun Lee Lewis, 1904. Cronise Studio Portrait. Photo Source: Oregon Historical Society Collections 0019G011 Saun Lee Lewis of Salem[1] Is a picture worth [...]
Tombstone of John W. and Caroline Woodson Jackson in Hayesville Cemetery, Salem, Oregon. Photo taken February 2023. Photo by Kylie Pine Salem’s [...]
Portrait of Nora L. Anderson. WHC Collections 1997.012 A major honor accorded to Nora Anderson during her lifetime was the dedication of the [...]
Gravestone of Helen Ng Mun Tayne taken at Salem Pioneer Cemetery in Spring 2022. A century ago, the first part of April was [...]
Salem woman helped support herself making jewelry from human hair Source: 1880 Salem City Directory. I love city directories. Like phone books [...]
Ernest Benjamin Flake. Willamette Heritage Center's Collections, Entrepreneur E.B. Flake started a Salem Advertising Empire, Flower Shop and Pet [...]
Biography William Carlton Smith served in World War I for two years as a First Lieutenant in the Medical Corps. From about 1902 [...]
Go For Broke Was the motto of the 442nd Infantry Regiment of the United States Army, the most decorated unit for its size [...]