Nora Anderson
Portrait of Nora L. Anderson. WHC Collections 1997.012 A major honor accorded to Nora Anderson during her lifetime was the dedication of the [...]
Portrait of Nora L. Anderson. WHC Collections 1997.012 A major honor accorded to Nora Anderson during her lifetime was the dedication of the [...]
By the President of the United States of America: A Proclamation…That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one [...]
Agnes Gilbert Agnes Gilbert, 1902 image courtesy of the Oregon Historical Society, #002G025 Birth: 7 Dec. 1883 [...]
This article was written by Al Jones for the November 1992 issue of Historic Marion, the Marion County Historical Society Newsletter Vol. 30, No. [...]
This Metsker map for Polk County dated 1962 shows the breadth and scope of the Eola Acres 144-acre farm formerly held by the Gilbert-Patterson [...]
Hop Yards on Minto's Island. WHC Collections 1997.014.0018. Minto’s Island Ranch: From Hops Fields to Industrial Settling Ponds to Park I have a [...]
The Cinnamon Bear Tradition at Lipman's in Salem Lipman's Advertisement in the Capital Journal Newspaper 25 November 1954. “And here’s the Cinnamon Bear!” [...]
"Merry - Xmas 104 Cav" is decorated on one end of the wall. Photo dated December 25, 1943. Photo taken at the Oregon [...]
Salem woman helped support herself making jewelry from human hair Source: 1880 Salem City Directory. I love city directories. Like phone books [...]
On March 27, 1942, Rev. Andrew Y. Kuroda of the Salem Japanese Community Church completed a census of Japanese American Families living in Salem [...]