Charles Little worked for TKWM in 1893 and possibly until 1897. He worked as both a carder and a weaver.
We first find Charles Little in 1891 working for the brick manufacturer, Burton Bros in Salem. By 1893, he was working at TKWM as a carder. In 1897, he resided at the Cook Hotel in Salem. The newspaper reported in August of that year, his move to Washington for a job at the Tacoma Woolen Mills. At this point we lose track of him.
No definitive record.
City Directories (Salem unless otherwise noted)
1891Charles Little. Lab, Burton Bros. No res address.
Capital Journal 24 Aug 1897 p 4 “Charles Little, for several years an employee in the local woolen mills, left today for Tacoma to accept a more lucrative position in the woolen mills there.”