Elizabeth Browning  [Charpilloz]

Job Title(s)


Dates of Employment

c. 1915

Last Name  Browning   [Charpilloz] 
First Name  Elizabeth 
Middle Name  Alice 
Born  7 Jun 1895 in Salem, Marion, Oregon 
Home Addresses 


340 N 20th, Salem, Marion, Oregon 

Rural Route 1, Spring Valley, Polk, Oregon 

Reeder Road, Sauvies Island, Multnomah, Oregon 

16529 NE 112th Ave, Brush Prairie, Clark, Washington 

Died  29 May 1986 in Battle Ground, Clark, Washington 
Place Buried  City View Cemetery in Salem, Marion, Oregon 
Spouse  Paul Emil Charpilloz (1893-1989) 
Date of Marriage  17 Jun 1915 in Salem, Marion, Oregon 
Children  Sybil Margerite Charpilloz (1916-2008) 

Evelyn Elfa Charpilloz (1918-2010) 

Dates of Employment  1915 
Job(s) at TKWM  Weaver 
Life Story 



Elizabeth Alice Browning worked as a weaver at the Thomas Kay Woolen Mill in 1915. 

Elizabeth was the daughter of John and Matilda (Heardtle) Browning. She was born 7 Jun 1895, in Salem, Oregon. She was one of nine children born to this couple. Her sister Hattie (Browning) Tuel and Hattie’s husband Myron Tuel also worked at the TKWM Co. Her brothers, John, Ben, and Albert “Jack” Browning were employees at the mill, not to mention her husband Paul and some of her Browning cousins. 

Elizabeth went to Englewood School until promoted to high school in 1913. Elizabeth worked as a weaver in 1915, when she married a young farmer from Silverton named Paul E. Charpilloz. They were married in Salem on 17 Jun 1915 by County Judge Bushey. After they were married, Paul worked for 25 cents a day carrying water and getting wood for a logging camp cook house near Silverton, OR. The young couple lived six miles south of Silverton and Elizabeth became a housewife. 

On their first anniversary their first child was born, daughter Sybil Charpilloz. By 1918, the little family had moved 5 miles southwest of Dallas, OR. This is where their second daughter Evelyn Charpilloz was born on 11 Apr 1918. 

Shortly after their second daughter was born, Elizabeth and Paul moved to Sauvies Island, Multnomah, Oregon where Paul worked milking cows for $30 a month. Paul and Elizabeth were finally able to get their own herd. They lived on the island for 15 years. According to Elizabeth once or twice a year floodwater would force them to flee with their cows to dry land. They left in a rowboat, with a rope tied around the neck of a heifer. The heifer swam, with the rest of the herd swimming behind her. 

In Oct 1929, the couple decided to move back to the Willamette Valley to farm. They rented the Daniel J. Fry farm in the Zena area of Polk County. Their daughters were enrolled in school at Zena. Elizabeth’s brother Albert and his wife also lived at the Fry place, occupying the upper portion of the house. Their daughters did well in school and were part of the Busy Bees 4-H Sewing Club in Zena. 

Paul Charpilloz is listed in the Thomas Kay Woolen Mill time books from 1929 – 1938 as a worker in the picker house. Around 1938 Elizabeth and Paul moved again to a dairy farm near Vancouver, Clark, Washington. 

Elizabeth and Paul’s daughter Sybil married Albert Lee Rollins in 1938 and made their home on Sauvies Island. A grandson was born in 1940. His name was Darrell Rollins. Sybil and Albert divorced when he was a toddler. Elizabeth and Paul raised their grandson Darrell after Sybil’s remarriage in 1942. She married Julian Sigrist and had two additional children: Juleen and Stanley. 

Elizabeth and Paul’s daughter Evelyn married Joseph Tooley on 31 Jul 1941. Evelyn & Joseph had one daughter, Gloria Jean Tooley. 

In 1981 when Elizabeth and Paul retired from farming, they sold their farm to their “grandson” Darrell and his wife Sharon Charpilloz but continued to live in a house on the farm at 16529 NE 112th Ave. 

In June of 1985, Paul and Elizabeth celebrated 70 years of marriage. A newspaper article about the celebration has a picture of the couple. Paul is wearing the same three-piece wool suit he wore on his wedding day. The article quoted Elizabeth saying “Life was full of hard work. We never went anyplace. That’s why his suit looks so good” 

Elizabeth (Browning) Charpilloz passed away in Battle Ground, Washington, on 29 May 1986, at the age of 90. She had been a homemaker who enjoyed sewing, cooking, gardening and working on the farm. She was a member of the Sauvies Island and Barberton granges. Paul passed away a few years later on 28 May 1989 at the age of 95. They are buried in City View Cemetery, in Salem, Oregon. 

Name  Remarks 
Salem City Directories  1905 – Browning Elizabeth, student, bds 340 N 20th (mother’s res) 

1911 – Browning Elizabeth, student, bds 340 N 20th (mother’s res) 

1913 – Browning Elizabeth, student, bds 340 N 20th (mother’s res) 

1915 – Browning Elizabeth, weaver TKWM Co, rms 340 N 20th (Mrs Matilda Browning’s res- Elizabeth’s mother) 

Census Records  1900 – Lizzie Brauning – Age: 5, Birth Date: Jun 1894, Birthplace: Oregon, USA, Home in 1900: Prospect, Marion, Oregon, Street: 20th, Race: White, Gender: Female, Relation to Head of House: Daughter, Marital Status: Single, Father’s Name : John Brauning, Father’s Birthplace: Illinois, USA, Mother’s Name: Matilda Brauning, Mother’s Birthplace: Texas, USA, 

Household members: John Brauning (42), Matilda Brauning (40), Lena Brauning (20), Clara Brauning (14), Abraham Brauning (12), Hattie Brauning (10), Charlie Brauning (8), Lizzie Brauning (5), Ben Brauning (1) 

1905 Marion County Census – Browning, Lizzie (10) 

1910 – Lizzie Browning – Age: 14, Birth Date: 1896, Birthplace: Oregon, Home in 1910: N 20th St, Salem Ward 6, Marion, Oregon, USA, Race: White, Gender: Female, Relation to Head of House: Daughter, Marital Status: Single, Father’s Birthplace: Illinois, Mother’s Birthplace: Texas, Native Tongue: English, Attended School: Y, Able to read: Y, Able to Write: Y, Enumeration District Number: 0226, Enumerated Year: 1910, Household members: Matilda Browning (50), Lizzie Browning: (14), Bennie Browning: (10), Albert Browning (9) 

1920 – Elizabeth A Charpilloz – Age: 26, Birth Year: abt 1894, Birthplace: Oregon, Home in 1920: Sauvies Island, Multnomah, Oregon, Race: White, Gender: Female, Relation to Head of House: Wife, Marital Status: Married, Spouse’s Name: Paul E Charpilloz, Father’s Birthplace: Illinois, Mother’s Birthplace: Texas, Able to Speak English: Yes, Occupation: None, Able to read: Yes, Able to Write: Yes, Household members: Paul E Charpilloz (26), Elizabeth A Charpilloz (26), Sybil M Charpilloz (3), Ella E Charpilloz (1) 

1930 – Elizabeth A Charpilloz – Birth Year: abt 1896, Gender: Female, Race: White, Age in 1930: 34, Birthplace: Oregon, Marital Status: Married, Relation to Head of House: Wife, Homemaker? Yes, Home in 1930: Spring Valley, Polk, Oregon, USA, Street Address: Rural – Route – No. I. Salem, Age at First Marriage: 20, Attended School: No, Able to Read and Write: Yes, Father’s Birthplace: Illinois, Mother’s Birthplace: Texas, Able to Speak English: Yes, Household members: Paul E Charpilloz (36), Elizabeth A Charpilloz (34), Evelyn E Charpilloz (12), Sybil M Charpilloz (13) 

1940 – Elizabeth Charpilloz – Age: 44, Estimated Birth Year: abt 1896, Gender: Female, Race: White, Birthplace: Oregon, Marital Status: Married, Relation to Head of House: Wife, Home in 1940: Sauvies Island, Multnomah, Oregon, Street: Reeder Road, Inferred Residence in 1935: Sauvies Island, Multnomah, Oregon, Residence in 1935: Sauvies Island, Attended School or College: No, Highest Grade Completed : High School, 1st year, Weeks Worked in 1939: 0, Income: 0, Income Other Sources: No, Household members: Paul Charpilloz (46), Elizabeth Charpilloz (44), Evelyn Charpilloz (22) 

1950 – Elizabeth Chayrilloz [Charpilloz] – Age: 54, Birth Date: abt 1896, Gender: Female, Race: White, Birth Place: Oregon, Marital Status: Married, Relation to Head of House: Wife, Residence Date: 1950, Home in 1950: Clark, Washington, USA, Farm: No, Acres: No, Occupation Category: Keeping House, Worked Last Week: No, Seeking Work: No, Employment Status: No, Household members: Paul E Chayrilloz [Charpilloz] (56), Elizabeth Chayrilloz [Charpilloz] (54), Darrell Chayrilloz [Charpilloz] (9) “grandson” 

WW1 Draft Registration  Paul Emil Charpilloz – Gender : Male, Race: White, Birth Date: 23 Jun 1893, Birth Place: Near Ellensburg, Washington, USA, Residence Place: Vancouver, Washington, USA, Military Draft Date: 1942, Spouse: Elizabeth Charpilloz 
County Marriage Record  Elizabeth Browning – Gender: Female, Race: White, Age: 20, Birth Date: abt 1895, Birth Place: Salem, Oregon, Marriage Date: 17 Jun 1915, Marriage Place: Salem, Marion, Oregon, USA, Spouse: Paul E Charpilloz, Certificate Number: 10876, File Number: 1734315 
Washington Death Index  Elizabeth A Charpilloz – Gender: Female, Age: 90, Birth Date: abt 1896, Residence Place: Clark, Washington, USA, Death Date: 29 May 1986, Death Place: Battle Ground, Washington, USA, Certificate Number: 014506 
Find-a-Grave  Elizabeth Alice Browning Charpilloz – Birth: 7 Jun 1895, Marion County, Oregon, USA, Death: 29 May 1986 (aged 90), Battle Ground, Clark County, Washington, USA, Burial: City View Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, USA, Plot, Section W/L, Memorial ID: 64202107 
Digital Newspapers 


 Oregon Statesman 3 Jun 1913, pg. 8 – Englewood School: Students Promoted 

The Capital Journal 19 Jun 1915, pg. 6 – Marriage Licenses Issued 

The Capital Journal 17 Jun 1915, pg. 8 – Matrimonial Mill Grinds Without Friction or Delay 

Oregon Statesman 18 Jun 1915, pg. 5 – Silvertonian Weds Salem Girl 

The Capital Journal 23 Jun 1916, pg. 5 – Baby Born 

The Capital Journal 28 Oct 1929, pg. 2 – Fry Farm Is Sold to Portland Folks 

Oregon Statesman 25 Jan 1931, pg. 8 – Zena Girls Have 4-H Sewing Club 

The Oregonian (Portland, OR) 10 Feb 1938, pg. 8 – Dinner Given 

The Oregon Daily Journal (Portland, OR) 13 Feb 1938, pg. 29 – Reception at Sauvies Island 

The Columbian (Vancouver, WA) 12 Jun 1975, pg. 37 – Barbecue set to mark golden date 

The Columbian (Vancouver, WA) 9 Jul 1980, pg. 15 – Daughters honor parents 

The Columbian (Vancouver, WA) 7 Jun 1985, pg. 1 – 70 years of marriage 

The Columbian (Vancouver, WA) 30 May 1986, pg. 4 – Elizabeth Charpilloz (Obituary) 

The Columbian (Vancouver, WA) 30 May 1989, pg. 5 – Paul E. Charpilloz (Obituary) 

WHC Materials  None yet identified.