FBI civil registration card, Charles Arthur Borneman, millworker. WHC Collections, M3 1966-001_Box 51

FBI civil registration card, Charles Arthur Borneman, millworker. WHC Collections, M3 1966-001_Box 51
During World War II, the Thomas Kay Woolen Mill contracted with the government to supply blankets for the U.S. Army. To fulfill these contracts and prevent sabotage, the mill documented their workers from 1941-1945. As seen in the example above, the cards recorded basic information such as name, address, physical description, as well as a set of fingerprints. These cards are an important part of the Thomas Kay Woolen Mill record collection, M3 1966-001.
List of Names
Abbott, Kenneth | Doland, Lee M. | Hemann, George H. | Peterson, Lester C. |
Allport, Augusta C. | Donaldson, George E. | Herberger, Joseph J. | Phernetton, Clyde T. |
Antrican, Edward D. | Donaldson, George J. | Hinshaw, Clarence V. | Phernetton, Dora E. |
Apple, Minnie L. | Donaldson, Helge E. | Hinz, William E. | Pickens, William C. |
Ashman, Hilda | Donaldson, Oscar L. Sr. | Hirsekorn, Edmund | Pingle, Ralph L. |
Bailey, Elmer H. | Donaldson, Oscar L. Jr. | Howe, Christine M. | Porter, Elmer E. |
Baldwin, William F. | Donovan, Velma | Huckstep, Earl B. | Reid, Edward A. |
Barker, Amos H. | Doran, Paul W. | Huntley, Arthur L. | Reid, John M. |
Barnes, Dora E. | Dresner, Alfred | Hysler, Kenneth H. | Reid, Walter M. |
Barrett, Lon J. | Dunigan, William A. | Johnson, Melvin E. | Rich, Samuel |
Bassett, Edison E. | Dunn, James G. | Jones, John | Roan, Arnold L. |
Bauer, William S. | Dunn, Lee A. | Kavanaugh, Clara M. | Roberts, Verna G. |
Bayer, Ferdinand W. | Dunn, Therol C. | Keeney, Edith M. | Rundle, Ira V. |
Beard, Ralph | Edwards, James L. | Kent, Rollo D. | Scholz, Herman, R. |
Berry, Wilbur F. | Edwards, Otis O. | Kingston, William E. | Scott, Earl E. |
Blanchard, Harry J. | Elmore, Harry M. | Kingston, William R. | Seamster, Hubert A. |
Blischke, Evelyn | Elmore, John T. Jr. | Kremer, Vincent P. | Seamster, Robert |
Boedigheimer, Carl | Ettner, William J. | Lang, Lloyd W. | Seamster, Walter E. |
Bondell, Helen | Fenshe, Adolph E. | Lehman, Hulda | Shank, Verna |
Borneman, Charles A. | Fisher, John G. | Lehman, Otto | Snow, Larry G. |
Boyles, Arch W. | Fisher, Philip H. | Loewen, William F. | Staples, Arthur A. |
Brooks, Donald | Follrich, Ruth | Lofftus, Minnie Joy | Strain, Earl E. |
Browning, John A. | Foltz, Louis F. | McFee, Stewart W. | Talt, Frank |
Buller, Clarence F. | Fox, Earl W. | Mead, Ruby C. | Thayer, Mary |
Burton, Janet M. | Fox, Glenn E. | Meeske, Edwin H. | Thompson, James A. |
Cade, Arna | Fredricks, William L. | Meyer, C.H. | Toycen, Stanley B. |
Campbell, Milia | Fussell, Ralph S. | Mishler, Benedict | Toycen, Svend B. |
Carr, Marion | Goss, Kenneth D. | Mitchell, Herman R. | Van Buren, Ernest O. |
Church, John W. | Gilman, Clyde E. | Mortan, Albert G. | Van Buren, Fred A. |
Clark, Lawrence H. | Gilman, Milan H. | Moullet, Harvey C. | Van Woret, M.J. |
Clifford, Ama V. | Goss, Florence M. | Munson, Margaret B. | Ward, Hal O. |
Clowes, William H. | Goss, Kenneth D. | Myers, Willard M. | Watts, Orland J. |
Cole, George A. | Greene, Lillian S. | Neelands, Orlando | Weaver, D.G. |
Comstock, Roy | Grimes, Lawrence A. | Noack, John | Weekly, John W. |
Contreras, Frank F. | Hackett, Jim E. | Ohmart, Roy V. | Weidner, Ray L. |
Cook, Clinton | Hall, Thomas W. | Okerberg, Charles T. | Westley, Adeline B. |
Cox, Andrew J. | Harland, Ellery W. | Palmer, Gilfred A. | Westley, Rose |
Crooks, Elmira M. | Harland, James H. | Pankalla, Katherine | White, Gilbert |
Daily, Asa W. | Harland, James M. | Pardo, William E. | Wickizer, Kelly G. |
Deacon, George H. | Harland, Pearl C. | Parrent, Robert C. | Wolf, Clara M. |
Deacon, James C. | Hastings, George W. | Peterson, Elmer R. | Wright, Harold |
Ditter, Raymond J. | Yarnell, Jay N. |
To Access the Collection
These materials are in the process of digitization. Until the project has been completed, access will require an in-person research appointment or an image request for a scanned copy. To begin the process for either of these options, please fill out the research request form linked here.