First Church of Christ Scientist

First Church of Christ Scientist, 405 Chemeketa St. NE, corner of Liberty and Chemeketa., WHC Collections 2004.010.0636
Christian Science was first introduced to Salem, Oregon, on December, 1888, by Mrs. Lou R. Hatch, who had been healed of tuberculosis through prayer. Meetings were held initially in the homes of Mrs. Hatch, and of Sarah Wilson at the corner of Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Later the meetings were moved to a hall at the corner of Court and Liberty streets.
In January, 1896, the First Church of Christ Scientist, Salem, Oregon, was officially organized while the congregation continued to meet in the hall. The Second Church of Christ Scientist, Salem, Oregon, was organized in 1900, and in 1901, purchased a lot on the south side of Chemeketa St. between High and Liberty streets. Here, the first Christian Science Church to be built in the state of Oregon was constructed. It was dedicated on Easter Sunday, April 12, 1903.
On November 9, 1905, the two Salem churches laid down their respective charters and the two congregations reorganized under the name of First Church of Christ Scientist, Salem, Oregon. Until December 27, 1923, their meeting site was the church edifice on the south side of Chemeketa St. between High and Liberty.
On October 4, 1923, this church accepted from Mrs. Sarah A. Wilson a deed to the property on the northeast corner of Chemeketa and Liberty, with the understanding that a new church building be erected on the property and that the original church building be moved to the new location and be used as the Sunday School. Its porch and entrance with pillars, which served as the street entrance to the Sunday School, were kept intact. The cornerstone of the new church edifice on Chemeketa St. was laid on August 23, 1924. The first church service in the auditorium was held in February, 1925. A dedicatory service was held on December 29, 1940.
The Chemeketa St. property was sold in September, 1962, and demolition of the building provided space for development of the Nordstrom Mall. Meanwhile, church members had purchased property at High and Kearney Streets from Willamette University for the purpose of constructing a new church. Construction of the building at 935 High Street, across from the Bush Pasture park rose garden, was started on May 27, 1963. A member of the church, Harold Robertson, was foreman for construction of the church and was assisted by many members who volunteered their services. Mr. Ralph Bonadurer, an architect from Poland, designed the building. He included a beautiful round stained glass window taken from the ceiling of the old church. The pews came from California, the stone from the state of Washington, and the Moeller Organ came from Forest Grove, Oregon.
The cornerstone at 935 High St. was laid August 24, 1963. In it, the King James Bible and the complete set of Mary Baker Eddy’s writings were replaced from the old cornerstone. Also included were a Christian Science Hymnal, current copies of Christian Science periodicals, and the latest church bylaws. The first services on High Street were held on October 20, 1963, and dedicatory services were held May 22, 1966.
Compiled by Trudy E. Anderson, Executive Board Chairman for the First Church of Christ Scientist, 935 High Street, Salem, Oregon, 97302.
This article originally appeared on the original Salem Online History site and has not been updated since 2006.
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