Historical Photos


The WHC can provide reproductions of photographs in its collections. Fees for reproduction services are assessed based on staff time and costs associated with the reproduction processes. Please fill out the form below to get the process started.

Reproduction and Use Fees

Most Often Requested:

  • Single Photo (original scan from database)
  • Type Specific Scan (you specify the file type, dpi and output size)
$60/hr  billed in 15 minute increments
  • Text Document (pdf up to 10 pages)

For Other Services:

  • Please refer to the Reproduction and Use Fee Schedule linked HERE

Rights and Use Policies

Personal and Commercial use and/or publication in any media print, digital, or otherwise of photos of the Willamette Heritage Center (WHC) campus and from the Willamette Heritage Center (WHC) collections are subject to the following conditions:

  1. Use of the images do not violate any federal, state, or local laws including but not limited to copyright infringement and the privacy of individuals on our site.  It is the user’s responsibility to secure the permission of those being photographed and to determine the copyright restrictions that may pertain to any materials distributed by the user.  All responsibility for possible copyright infringement and invasion of privacy arising from use of reproductions  is assumed by the user.
  2. The user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Willamette Heritage Center, its officers, employees and agents from and against all claims made by any person asserting that he or she is an owner of copyright.  In the event of litigation, user agrees to pay any and all attorney fees for the Willamette Heritage Center.
  3. All reproductions must be credited to the Willamette Heritage Center and include the Object ID number.
    1. With printed matter and web use, the image number and the photographer’s name, when provided, must be included in the credit line.  The credit line must appear with the item or on a credit page, indicating the page number and on the page, for each item. Sample:  Willamette Heritage Center, 2007.001.0001.
    2. With films, filmstrips, slide presentations and video productions, credit must appear with other credits at the beginning or end of the production and must include the Object ID numbers of any images utilized.
    3. With display or exhibition, please credit each image within the display or exhibition area.
  4.  A complimentary copy of each publication or production in which the photographic copy appears must be sent to the Willamette Heritage Center.
  5. Permission is for one-time use only, as described on this form, with no other rights.  Any subsequent use (including subsequent editions, paperback editions, foreign language editions, etc.) constitutes reuse and must be applied for in writing.  An additional fee may be charged for reuse.
  6. Use fees are assessed according to type of use.  Payment of this fee does not exempt the use from the credit line requirement.
  7. Accompanying captions must indicate all changes made to the original copy, such as significant cropping, tinting, superimposing, digital alteration, etc.
  8. Images  for web use must not be larger than 73 dpi @ 8” x 10” or must be watermarked.
  9. The user may not reproduce the photographic copy as a dust jacket, nor use in an advertisement or any commercial use of similar nature, nor mass produce as unbound material, unless specifically authorized by a “Letter of Permission.”

Letter of Permission

As a non-profit museum and heritage center, the Willamette Heritage Center is bound by certain legal and ethical requirements. Permission for use in advertisements or marketing campaigns will be considered on a case-by-case basis and in relation to our mission statement and industry ethical standards.

Reciprocal Photograph Use Agreement

The Willamette Heritage Center waives use fees for non-profit organizations and museums willing to enter into a reciprocal photograph use agreement wherein the organizations freely share. Mark reciprocal use agreement on photo request form.

Start Your Photo Request!


You can reach the research library via email or phone 503-585-7012 ext 257.  Please be aware that our staff and volunteers are not in the office everyday.  We thank you for your patience, we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Large Photographic Collections at the Willamette Heritage Center

Operated out of Miller’s Department Store in Salem.  Specialized in portraits and event photography.  See more here

Marion County Photographer’s Guide