Salem Mayors
The history of Salem’s mayorial office can be said to date back to 1857. That is when the first regular session of the common council for the City of Salem was convened on February 19, 1857 with Wiley Kenyon as mayor. There was the slight matter of the original City Charter and first mayorial election being legally challenged, and a new charter being taken up. This caused posterity endless debate about who could be claimed as Salem’s official first mayor.
Since that time 58 individuals have been documented to have held the office.
Project History
Salem has been blessed with many exceptional mayors. During their terms our city has grown and changed and adjusted to trends and national and international events. Realizing how important their stories are to our history, we are very grateful to have the opportunity to talk to our former mayors and to record their stories and memories.
-Hazel Patton, March 2017
This oral history project was started in March 2017, spearheaded by Hazel Patton with photography provided by Caren Ann Jackson and technical support provided by the Willamette Heritage Center. The hope is to interview and photograph as many mayors as possible. The full interview recordings will be entered into the Willamette Heritage Center’s collections and made available for researchers through the Center’s research library and archives. Samples of the interviews will be posted below.
Additionally, a full list of mayors with biographies and information related to potential holdings in WHC’s Collections is provided below.
Dr. Robert Lindsey

Photograph by Caren Ann Jackson.
WHC 2017.009.0001
R.G. Anderson-Wykoff

Photograph by Caren Ann Jackson.
WHC 2017.009.0009
Video preview coming soon.
Dr. Roger L. Gertenrich

Photograph by Caren Ann Jackson.
WHC 2017.009.0002
Mike Swaim

Photograph by Caren Ann Jackson.
WHC 2017.009.0003
Video preview coming soon.
Chronological List of Salem Mayors
Death: 14 March 1900, Crawfordsville, Indiana
Spouse: Sarah Harrison/Mary Chistman
Occupation: Photographer, bookseller
*The tenure of Kenyon’s time as mayor was contested. There is a popular claim that the territorial legislature granted a charter for the city of Salem 1857, but that it was determined “illegal.” It appears that two petitions for the incorporation of Salem were presented to the legislature in December 1857 (see Oregon Statesman 22 December 1857 “In the House”) one signed by 118 citizens and another presented by “Wilie Kenyon and several others for the same.”
A much later account in the Oregon Statesman (28 Mar 1926 “Problems of Walks and Streets.”) claiming sources from hand written notes of Chester N. Terry city recorder and secretary indicates that the petition was presented earlier with the first regular council meeting being held February 17, 1857, with Wiley Kenyon presiding as mayor.
Ben Maxwell, writing even lager (see Capital Journal 4 June 1956) writes “Salem’s first mayor was Wiley Kenyon and what a time he had. The magnanimous charter granted the village that was Salem by the territorial legislature of 1857 turned out to be frost. Learned counsel declared it to be illegal. Paid officials resigned when they learned that their pay was not only uncertain but unlikely. Aldermen, too failed to show up, there was seldom a quorum and Salem’s municipal government com summer in 1857 had gone to pot.”
A 1912 letter to the editor signed by “Pioneer” (see Oregon Statesman 4 Jan 1912), claims that Kenyon was elected mayor at first city election in December 1857, followed by John Henry Moores (1858); Lucian Heath (1860); E.N. Cooke (1861); H. M. THatcher (1862); and John Henry Moores (1864).

John Henry Moores. Willamette Heritage Center Collections 2007.001.0623
Birth: 26 June 1821, Lawrence County, Alabama
Death: 16 December 1880, Oregon (?)
Spouse: Virginia Lafayette Lamon
Occupation: Businessman
Read Biography on Salem Pioneer Cemetery Website.
*J.H. Moores appears to have been elected to the mayorial office several times in his life, although the validity of his office was questioned, at least in the press.
Oregon Statesman Feburary 16, 1858 – claims that “city officers” were elected and that J.H. Moores was considered “Mayor” although claimed “the ‘charter’ is quite generally thought to be void, and not half of the voters went to the ‘polls’.”
A letter to the editor published in the Oregon Statesman on Jan 4, 1912, claimed that the mayorial history of Salem had been improperly reported in saying that John Q. Wilson was Salem’s first mayor. The letter, signed “Pioneer” lists the chronology as follows:
1857 – Wiley Kenyon
1858- J.H. Moores
1860 – Lucian Heath
1861 – E.N. Cooke
1862 – H.M. Thather
1864 – J.H. Moores
1865 – John Q. Wilson
Birth: 10 May 1819, Buffalo, Eire, New York
Death: 19 Dec 1888, Santa Cruz, California
Spouse: Julia Jane Edwards
Occupation: Merchant (Brown & Heath, North Dallas, Oregon); Druggist
See also: Polk County Observer Article “Old Book Tells of early Days. 12 Nov 1915.
Born: 26 Feb 1810 Adams, Jefferson County, New York
Death: 6 May 1879 Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Eliza Vandercook Cooke
See biography and photographs on Salem Pioneer Cemetery website.

Henry Martyn Thatcher. WHC Collections 2011.037.0378
Birth: October 1825, Pennsylvania
Death: 1 February 1900, Haley, Idaho
Spouse: Sarah Little
Occupation: Druggist, Postmaster

John Henry Moores. Willamette Heritage Center Collections 2007.001.0623
Birth: 26 June 1821, Lawrence County, Alabama
Death: 16 December 1880, Oregon (?)
Spouse: Virginia Lafayette Lamon
Occupation: Businessman
Read Biography on Salem Pioneer Cemetery Website.
*J.H. Moores appears to have been elected to the mayorial office several times in his life, although the validity of his office was questioned, at least in the press.
Oregon Statesman Feburary 16, 1858 – claims that “city officers” were elected and that J.H. Moores was considered “Mayor” although claimed “the ‘charter’ is quite generally thought to be void, and not half of the voters went to the ‘polls’.”
A letter to the editor published in the Oregon Statesman on Jan 4, 1912, claimed that the mayorial history of Salem had been improperly reported in saying that John Q. Wilson was Salem’s first mayor. The letter, signed “Pioneer” lists the chronology as follows:
1857 – Wiley Kenyon
1858- J.H. Moores
1860 – Lucian Heath
1861 – E.N. Cooke
1862 – H.M. Thather
1864 – J.H. Moores
1865 – John Q. Wilson
Birth: 18 May 1828, Ohio
Death: 2 Jan 1912 Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Sarah Smith
Occupations: Mercantilist, Farmer, President of Salem Street Railway Co., Legislator, Judge

John Henry Moores. Willamette Heritage Center Collections 2007.001.0623
Birth: 26 June 1821, Lawrence County, Alabama
Death: 16 December 1880, Oregon (?)
Spouse: Virginia Lafayette Lamon
Occupation: Businessman
Read Biography on Salem Pioneer Cemetery Website.
*J.H. Moores appears to have been elected to the mayorial office several times in his life, although the validity of his office was questioned, at least in the press.
Oregon Statesman Feburary 16, 1858 – claims that “city officers” were elected and that J.H. Moores was considered “Mayor” although claimed “the ‘charter’ is quite generally thought to be void, and not half of the voters went to the ‘polls’.”
A letter to the editor published in the Oregon Statesman on Jan 4, 1912, claimed that the mayorial history of Salem had been improperly reported in saying that John Q. Wilson was Salem’s first mayor. The letter, signed “Pioneer” lists the chronology as follows:
1857 – Wiley Kenyon
1858- J.H. Moores
1860 – Lucian Heath
1861 – E.N. Cooke
1862 – H.M. Thather
1864 – J.H. Moores
1865 – John Q. Wilson

Lyman Samuel Scott. Willamette Heritage Center Collections 2007.001.1750
Birth: 1 Oct 1830, Litchfield, Connecticut
Death: 21 Nov 1892, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Eliza J. Erwin
Occupation: Placer Miner, Army Officer, Mercantilist, Marion Count Sheriff, Postmaster
Read his obituary on the Salem Pioneer Cemetery website.
Birth: 17 May 1827, Jefferson Co., New York
Death: 6 December 1873, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Jeanett
Occupation: Mercantilist, owner Ferry Company, Druggist, Fire Department member

Dr. Daniel Payton photographed in upper right corner. WHC collections photo, 2004.010.0714
Birth: 9 July 1827
Death: 7 April 1893 Stockton, California (buried Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Oregon)
Spouse: Elizabeth Hatton
Occupations: Doctor, Dean of medical department of Willamette University.
Birth: 1832
Death: 9 May 1876
Spouse: Sophia Staiger
Occupations: Monument maker, senior proprietor for the marble works in Salem

Advertisement. Oregon Statesman published 16 Jan 1874.
Birth: 4 May 1837, near Clinton, Illinois
Death: 20 May 1923 in Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Caroline M. Cross
Occupations: Veteran – Indian Wars; Hotelier (Chemeketa/Marion Hotel); Grocer; School Board member; Legislator, Steward Oregon State Hospital for the Insane.
Notes: Came to Oregon via the Oregon Trail arriving 1852.

Thomas Milton Gatch. Photo Source: Oregon: Her History, Her Great Men, Her Literature. By John B. Horner, copyright 1919.
Birth: 28 January 1833
Death: 23 April 1913
Spouse: Orytha Bennett
Occupation: Educator; Professor and President of Willamette University and University of Oregon; President Oregon Agricultural College and University of Washington.
Learn More: Wikipedia Article.
Birth: 27 July 1834, Boston, Massachusetts
Death: 8 September 1908, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Mary Ellen Gibson
Occupation: Hardware and Farm Machinery dealer (Wait & Brown)
Biographical Sketch published in the 1880 Salem City Directory:
T.B. Wait was born in Boston, Mass., July 27, 1834, and with his parents removed to Bond County, Ill., twelve years afterward, where he remained on a farm until his sixteenth year, when he learned the carpenters trade. In 1853, with no over fifty dollars in his possession, he left the home of his childhood for the far off west. On the 3d of September he, in company with three other men reached old Fort Boise; from which place they were compelled to walk a distance of 500 miles with but one blanket for the four to sleep under, and without provisions, only as they could find them occasionally along the route.
Mr. Wait served with distinction in the Indian war of 1856 under the late lamented Gen. I.I. Stevens, as second Lieut. of Co. K 2d, Regt, W.M.V. being the last commissioned officer to leave the field. In July 1856 he commanded the rear company in the battle of Grande Ronde…
Wait lived on his farm in Polk Co. up to the fall of 1871, when he removed to Salem, where he has since resided, and where, in company with Mr. James Brown he is now the leading firm in the hardware and agricultural implement business in this city.
MR. W. has been twice married and has six living childred [sic], three grils [sic] and three boys. He was elected Chief Engineer of the fire department in 1877, and served two years in that capacity…
Birth: 6 Jan 1835, Muskingum County, Ohio
Death: 16 May 1916, Corvallis, Benton, Oregon
Spouse: Margaret Rachel Stephenson (1841-1917)
Occupations: Lawyer, Captain U.S. Army (Civil War), Druggist, Plumbing and Stove store owner.
More information and photograph available on Find-a-Grave here.
Birth: 25 March 1831, County Longford, Ireland
Death: 23 March, 1886, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Lydia A. Hally (1848-1923)
Occupations: Blacksmith
Birth: 3 Sept. 1844, Ohio
Death: 17 Apr. 1909, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Eugenie
Occupation: Southern Pacific Agent
Issues In Office:
- Bridge Building Across the Willamette River (Oregon Statesman, 29 Jun 1886)
- Public Holiday to mark the death of General U.S. Grant (See: Oregon Statesman, 2 Aug 1885)

William Marion Ramsey. WHC Collections 2011.030.0214
Birth: 25 Dec. 1846, Monroe County, Iowa
Death: 15 Sept. 1937, McMinnville, Yamhill, Oregon
Spouses: Mahala Alzada Harris and Julia L. Johnson Snyder
Occupation: Lawyer, Judge, 1st Dean of Willamette University Law School.
Notes: Ramsey did not serve a full term as Salem mayor, resigning his position March 1, 1888. He also served two terms as mayor of McMinnville.
Birth: 22 Jun 1832, Ireland
Death: 19 Jun 1907, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Occupation: Carpenter, Lawyer, Marion County Sheriff, Legislator, U.S. Postal Inspector, Clerk at the Oregon State Supreme Court
Notes: He died in rather dramatic fashion on the street of a heart attack. Read a transcription of the news report here.

Major George Williams portrait as it appeared in his obituary article, Oregon Journal 10 Jul 1910, page 5.
Birth: 3 April 1839, Findlay, Hancock, Ohio
Death: 8 Jul 1910, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon
Spouse: Emma Adams
Occupation: Banker
Interesting Facts: Newspaper articles in 1909 claim that Williams was the only Oregonian to fight for the Union Army during the Civil War (see Oregon Daily Journal 18 April 1909, pg 33; “Only Oregonian Who Fought in Civil War is Dead” Oregon Daily Journal 8 Jul 1910, pg 12 — should be noted that first article claims two Oregonians fought for the Confederate forces). According to reports, he fought at Bull Run, Antietam, and Fredericksburg before being stricken with fever. After recuperating he rejoined his regiment just before the battle of Gettysburg.

Peter Henry D’Arcy, Jr. WHC Collections 2007.001.2055
Birth: 4 Mar 1854, Brooklyn, New York
Death: 6 Oct 1933, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Occupation: Lawyer, Judge
Birth: 29 June 1859, Washington
Death: 19 May 1939, Alameda, California
Spouse: Helen Mills Plummer
Occupation: Banker
Issues in Office:
- Cow Ordinance. All cows “running at large, except those tied by a rope or led would be liable to be impounded.” Oregon Statesman, 10 May 1893, page 4.
- Construction of City Hall. Begins, but doesn’t progress very swiftly.

Dr. James Asher Richardson from Oregon Statesman Illustrated Annual, 1902. WHC 2013.013.0003.
Birth: 15 November 1840, Illinois
Death: 4 June 1911, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon
Spouse: Frances “Fannie” Rebecca Boyd
Occupation: Physician, Bank Director. Worked at the State Reform School and Insane Asylum.

Frank William Waters from Marion County Officials photo collage, 1895. WHC 2014.082.0053
Birth: 22 Aug 1865, Nebraska City, Nebraska
Death: 6 Dec 1944, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse(s): Jessica Sargent Northrup and Hulda Z. Rimpler
Occupation: Type Setter and Printer, Real Estate Abstracts, Deputy County Clerk, County Recorder, Savings and Loan Association
The man who runs for mayor against Frank Waters will be up against the real thing. Mr. Waters is sound in limb and wind and a runner without blemish.
-Editorial, Oregon Statesman, Friday, November 27, 1903, page 2.

George F. Rodgers. Elks Portrait. WHC 1992.005.0090.
Birth: 10 Oct. 1871
Death: 28 Sept. 1924 (Plane Crash)
Spouse: Blanche Albert
Occupation: Bookbinder, Wholesale Paper Dealer
- Paving of City Streets
- Sewer System
- Extending City Limits
- First modern Apartment House built (Court Street Apartments)
Birth: 26 Dec 1872, New York
Death: 15 Oct 1943, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse(s): Ella Pixley, Margaret Folsom
Occupation(s): Bookkeeper for hops company, Hops and Fruit Grower and Buyer, President of Salem Brewery Association and Capital Ice & Storage Co.

John Christopher (J.C.) Siegmund. WHC 1992.005.0213.
Birth: 25 Dec 1861, Sheyboygan County, Wisconsin
Death: 31 Jan 1948, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouses: Inez Hale
Occupation: School Teacher, Abstracts Company
Note: Served as acting Mayor in 1913 in the stead of B.L. Steeves.
Birth: 7 Jul 1868, New Brunswick, Canada
Death: 23 Oct 1933, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouses: Sarah Fiducia Hunt
Occupation: Doctor – Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist, 9th Lieutenant Governor of Idaho, President Oregon State Medical Association.
Of Note: Steeves was appointed to replace Louis Lachmund in 1913, but left on an extended trip to the East Coast. Councilman W.T. Rigdon served as acting mayor, but the council voted to replace him with John C. Siegmund. Steeves returned in September and was reelected in 1914.

Harlan “Harley” Overton White. WHC 2000.011.0036.
Birth: 7 Nov 1877, El Paso, Illinois
Death: 26 Sep 1958, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Nellie Viola Cox
Occupation: Wholesale seed dealer with D.A.White & Sons, Vice President of the Marion county Poultry Association, Salem School Board.
Birth: 16 Jan 1881, Mitchell, Wheeler, Oregon
Death: 23 Jun 1960, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Ida Lau Hise
Occupation: Lawyer

Clarence E. Albin, 1919. Photography by Jenks. Published in the Capitol Journal 5 March 1919. Page 5.
Birth: 20 June 1882
Death: 19 Oct 1969, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
Spouses: Clara Mae Burnap, Faith (Keezel) Pugsley
Occupation: Telegraph operator, claims adjuster Industrial Accident Commission, Farmer
Issues during Tenure: Establishment of Industry (influential in bringing paper mill to Salem and the Valley Packing Company), Flu Epidemic
Birth: 5 Sept 1884, Sweden
Death: 13 Mar 1923, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Sarah Ellen
Occupation: Automobile Salesman

A very young John B. Giesy. Contemporary photos to his time as mayor show him without any facial hair. Photo Source: WHC 2004.010.0668
Birth: 8 Aug 1871, Aurora, Marion, Oregon
Death: 6 March 1929, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Occupation: Reporter, City Editor for the Oregon Statesman
Issues in Office:
Building up the police force, fire department and streets.

T.A. Livesley. Photo Source: WHC 1999.019.0001 – Detail.
Birth: 8 Dec 1864, Ironton, Sauk Co., Wiconsin
Death: 22 July 1947, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouses: Edna Irene DeBeck
Occupation: Hops farmer and dealer, State Legislator, financier
Issues during Tenure: Salem Municipal Airport, Streets and roads, fire protection, council-city manager form of government
Birth: 13 Aug 1884 , Topeka, Kansas
Death: 25 Feb 1946, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouses: Fannie Gray Barlow
Occupation: Commercial Cider Works; owner – Hollywood district
Buttercup Ice Cream Company; proprietor
Weatherly Ice Cream Company; owned & operated
Head of Sea Scouts
Director of the Social Department
School board member
Director of the Salem Chamber of Commerce

Douglas McKay, 1932. WHC 2000.011.0011.
Birth: 24 Jul 1893, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon
Death: 22 Jul 1959, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse Mabel Christine Hill
Occupation: Car dealer.

Varnum Earl Kuhn, 1964. Photo by Jesten-Miller Studios. Statesman Journal Mugshot File. WHC 2017.032.
Birth: 13 Feb 1884 Dayton, Columbia, Washington
Death: 26 Apr 1967 Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Bertha Esther Kemp
Occupation: Shoe Repair Shop
Issues in Office: Water supply

William Wells Chadwick, 1949. WHC 0081.002.0001.005
Birth: 28 June 1888, Bryant Hills, South Dakota
Death: 3 Dec 1968, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouses: Lorena Erp
Occupation: Hotel Manager
Issues During Term: Salem Municipal Airport, WWII, First Sewage Treatment Plant, Salem Centennial Celebration

Advertisement for Isom McTeer Doughton’s mayorial campaign. Published in the Capital Journal 15 May 1944, pg 9.
Birth: 26 Jan 1879, Sparta, Allegheny, North Carolina
Death: 31 Oct 1955, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouse: Elda Mar Sprenger
Occupation: Hardware Store

Profile in the Oregon Magazine, published February 1946. WHC Collections 2008.038.0235
Birth: 30 Aug 1904, Salinas, Kansas
Death: 27 June 1988, Marion County, Oregon
Spouse: Hulda G. Roth
Occupation: Contractor, building supplies
Birth: 15 Oct 1916, Salem, Oregon
Death: 26 May 1961, Portland, Oregon
Spouse: Martha Mae Robertson
Occupation: Partner in D.A. White and Sons Seed Company
Issues During Term: Planning, taxes, annexations

Russell F. Bonesteele (left) and unidentified Boy Scout reading the 1959-1960 City of Salem Budget. Al Jones Collection, WHC 2006.064.0601.006.
Born: 1 Feb 1900, Montana
Death: 1 Feb 1981
Spouse: Valerie Briggs
Occupation: Automobile Dealership, Oregon State Representative (1963 session), Trustee Salem Memorial Hospital Board
See also the Bonesteele Park (Marion County) website with information about the Bonesteele Family who donated the land for the park. See also the Bonesteele House on 18th Street featured on the Salem SHINE website.

License plate holder. Al Black Collection, 2014.082.0182.

Vern Miller. Statesman Journal Mugshot Collection, WHC 1999.033.
Birth: 7 Nov 1905, Scio, Linn, Oregon
Death: 6 Nov 1984, Salem, Marion, Oregon
Spouses: Margaret Julia Breitenstein
Occupation: Physician and Surgeon
Issues During Term: Creation of new Civic Center.
Publications: Memories of an Adventurous Boy, 1984 – Autobiography. WHC Collections 2011.062.0061.
Collections: The Willamette Heritage Center holds a collection of papers, photographs and other memorabilia collected by Mayor Miller. See accession 1999.033. Highlights include a golden shovel used in the groundbreaking of the Salem Civic Center.

Shovel used in ground breaking of Salem Civic Center, 1972. WHC 1999.005.0001

Groundbreaking ceremonies at the Salem Civic Center, 1972. Vern Miller with shovel. McEwan Photo. WHC 1999.033.0009.
Occupation: Certified Public Accountant
Issues: Phased Growth Plan; New Sign Code; Parking Garage Bonds.
Other Collections at the WHC
- Most of the chronological list of mayors came from WHC 0082.004.026.0003. A document that came out of the Salem City Recorder’s office sometime after 1973.
Photo in chronological section for Otto Jay Wilson, is not Otto Jay Wilson.