100 Years ago, headlines noted the opening of Pomeroy & Keene Jewelers on State and Liberty Streets. This image shows the building in 1941. The business may not be around today, but you can still see the large clock outside 380 State Street with their name engraved upon it. Photo Source: Ben Maxwell Collection, Salem Public Library, SSV.2.2.
By Kylie Pine
One century. It seems like a lot of time, but how much has really changed in our daily conversations? I looked back at the headlines from January 1, 1921. It was interesting to read how much has changed and how much wouldn’t sound too out of place today. I find that strangely comforting.
The Inauguration
While the actual ceremony was still two months off[1] (the 20th amendment changing the inauguration date from March to January wouldn’t be ratified until 1933),[2] one particular breech of tradition made the front page. 1921 would be the first time the President Elect made his way to the ceremony in an automobile rather than a horse-drawn carriage. “Disregard Tradition” the headline read. Warren G. Harding would be the first president since Thomas Jefferson (excepting Andrew Jackson who rode horseback) to not take a carriage.[3] Don’t worry, horses were still involved. The automobile was escorted by a troop of mounted calvary from the Cleveland-based First Ohio Cavalry. The change, the article editorialized, showed tradition “giv[ing] way to progress.”
Big Teams to Clash Today
Predictions for “a game of aerial attacks against line plunges and end runs” were given for the matchup between the undefeated football teams from Ohio State University and the University of California at the Tournament of Roses in Pasadena.[4] The teams may change and it may be weird watching it all go down in Texas this year,[5] but the tradition lives on! An interesting side note, this is not the first year the Rose Bowl was played outside of Pasadena. After the attack on Pearl Harbor and restrictions on the West Coast against large gatherings, the Oregon State Beavers defeated the Duke Blue Devils in the 1942 Rose Bowl played in Durham, North Carolina.[6]
Divorce Rate
Marion County Clerk’s office reported that there was one divorce per every 5 marriages in the county the previous year. “Divorces are decidedly on the increase,” the article reported. In 2019, the rate was just over 1 divorce for every two marriages.[7] So the reporter wasn’t wrong.
Extreme changes in the Salem Police System
Radical changes in the Salem Police Department were spelled out by the newly elected Chief Verden Moffit for the recalcitrant Salem City Council. Among Moffit’s objectives were adding more officers so that there would be one officer for every 2000 residents. This stacked up to a 40% increase, which, to put in perspective would have meant a total of 10 officers if approved. (As a comparison January 1, 2021 the Salem Police Department had 189 sworn officers).[8] Other key issues for Chief Moffit included purchasing a motorcycle with sidecar to eliminate the expense of hiring taxicabs to transport people, creating regulations against jaywalking, providing defined parking spaces in the downtown corridor (everybody was parking willy-nilly), and a traffic law to stop the practice of drivers from “turning at any place on the streets.” Chief Moffit suggested the ordinance only allow turning at intersections (seems reasonable!). He also strongly encouraged that all horse drawn vehicles, bicycles and automobiles acquire lights.[9] Mayor Halvorsen’s response was that the suggestions were doomed even before their presentation to the council, “not because the council does not deem them sound and for the betterment of police efficiency, but because the city’s finances are in such shape that the requests cannot be granted.”[10]
Long Lines
Community DMVs weren’t around 100 years ago. Instead, registration of automobiles was done directly through the Secretary of State’s office at the Capitol. There were long lines there, too, just for a different reason: procrastination. In 1921, automobile licenses were issued every year in the form of license plates on cars. Even though applications were sent out well in advance, automobile owners were slow to return them causing long lines at the Secretary of State’s office at the Oregon State Capitol, with automobile owners trying to get their plates prior to the last day of the year. The department was processing at least 2,000 registrations and license plates daily. This was not a new problem. Secretary of State Kozer was quoted as saying “This same condition has existed every year, notwithstanding the department has urged the motor vehicle owners to apply early for their licenses for the ensuing year, and we know of no way to obviate this unless by the imposition of a penalty for failure to display the license plates immediately upon the beginning of the new license year. This, however, is a matter solely within the province of the legislative assembly.”[11] In other headlines that day, police and Secretary of State Kozer reached an agreement not to fine anybody for an out-of-date license until at least January 15th.[12]
Storm Ushers in New Year
Like so many years before it, 1921 was ushered in with clouds and rain. “Washington and Oregon to be drenched and coast wind swept,” the US Weather Services offices in San Francisco reported.[13] Well if there is one thing we can rely on in Oregon, it is gloomy winter days.
This article originally appeared in the Statesman Journal newspaper 3 January 2021. It is reproduced here with additional information and citations for reference purposes.
[1] The inauguration of Warren G. Harding took place 4 March 1921. See more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inauguration_of_Warren_G._Harding
[2] Information about the 20th Amendment and ratification dates: https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/amendment/amendment-xx
[3] “Disregard Tradition.” Oregon Statesman 01 Jan 1921 pg. 1.
[4] “Big Teams To Clash Today.” Oregon Statesman 01 Jan 1921 pg. 1.
[5] Bermont, Bradley. “It’s Official: Pasadena will allow Rose Bowl name to be used in Texas, but Just this once.” The Press Enterprise. 30 Dec 2020 https://www.pe.com/2020/12/30/its-official-pasadena-will-allow-rose-bowl-name-to-be-used-in-texas-but-just-this-once/
[6] “1942 Rose Bowl.” Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1942_Rose_Bowl
[7] Divorce and marriage rates for Marion County in 2019 per the OHA vital statistics records (https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/BIRTHDEATHCERTIFICATES/VITALSTATISTICS/Pages/Marriage-Data.aspx), stated there 1,215 divorces in Marion County in 2019 and 2,188 marriages.
[8] Correspondence with Salem Police Department 1/27/2020.
[9] “New Police Chief Takes Office and Announces Policy.” Oregon Statesman. 01 Jan 1921 pg. 1.
[10] “Salem Police Force to Remain at Present Size City Officials Determine.” Capital Journal 01 Jan 1921 pg. 1.
[11] “Long Waiting Line Stands All Day in State Capitol While Clerks Issue Tags.” Oregon Statesman 01 Jan 1921 pg. 1.
[12] “Auto Owners Given Extension of Time.” Oregon Statesman 01 Jan 1921 pg. 1.
[13] “Storm Ushers in New Year.” Oregon Statesman 01 Jan 1921 pg. 1.
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