Salem Alliance Church

Mrs. Isabelle White prayed faithfully for five years for the Alliance ministry to begin in the Salem community. In 1921, as a lay pastor, she was blessed by God to see the birth of this work begin in her own home. Six families made up the charter members.

In 1923, under the leadership of Sister Alice Caswell, our first pastor, this congregation built a tabernacle on the 600 block of Ferry Street. Young people were active leaders in the church. The first missionaries to go out from this congregation were Mr. And Mrs. Henry Fast (South America) and Viola Post (New Guinea). A heavy snowstorm in 1937 collapsed the tabernacle’s roof, so the congregation moved to the WCTU Hall on Commercial Street (near Trade Street).

In 1939, the growing congregation purchased the Seventh Day Adventist Church (which had 20 stairs to the front door!) at the corner of 5th and Gaines Streets. Over the next 50+ years, our leaders have felt a commitment to remain in this location, and nearby properties were purchased which have allowed for further expansion and development.

As the congregation continued to grow in number, five main building projects were undertaken. Our current worship center was completed in 1994, and is the fourth sanctuary in this location. In addition, three “daughter churches” were birthed in the 1980s–Chinese Alliance, Neighborhood Alliance, and Northside Alliance.

During the 1990s, our staff gradually grew to keep up with size of our congregation. Today’s staff is 45 people strong, with part-time and full-time pastors and assistants overseeing programs for pre-school, grade school, middle school, high school, young adults, men’s, women’s, single adults, senior adults, and a variety of other groups. Our STEPS Support & Recovery program was launched in the early 90s and has grown to an enrollment of about 300 people.

A growing partnership has developed with Grant Community School, located just a block from our main facility. Our cooperation with the school and with the Salem Leadership Foundation has led to the implementation of a weekly Fantastic Fridays after-school program for students at Grant, which is coordinated by a church employee.

In the fall of 2000, Sunday attendance averaged 2,800 people between four worship services. Strong visionary leadership characterizes our heritage at Salem Alliance, and over the years, nineteen pastors have offered bold teachings from God’s Word with the commitment to share the Good News with friends and neighbors. Missionaries continue to be sent overseas. Christian education and discipleship have always been a priority at Salem Alliance, as it is recognized that each person is on their own spiritual pilgrimage.

Compiled Sarah Zollner, Executive Assistant for the Salem Alliance Church



Information provided by Salem Alliance Church, 555 Gaines St NE, Salem, Or 97303.

This article originally appeared on the original Salem Online History site and has not been updated since 2006.