Salem Senior Center
Salem Senior Center
1055 Erixon NE
Salem, Oregon 97303
The concept of an activity center for older adults was initiated by a group of retirees who became incorporated in 1967 as the Salem Area Seniors. The City of Salem became involved with senior programming with the appointment of a Senior Citizen Coordinator in 1970.
A official dedication ceremony was conducted on June 25, 1971. This was the program and its presents and honorees:
Robert Maxey, Director
Regional Parks & Recreation Agency
Dedicatory Remarks:
Robert E. Lindsey, Mayor
City of Salem
James Young
Assistant Secretary for Housing Management
Senior Citizens Response:
Chet Arterburn, President
Salem Area Seniors
Presentation of Plaque
Salem Area Seniors Glee Club
Edith Brydon, Director
Mayor: Dr. Robert E. Lindsey
City Manager: Robert S. Moore
City Council:
Edwin J. Stillings
Donald Cushing
John R. McCulloch
Dewey A. Rand, Jr.
Peter C. Courtney
Ellen Lowe
Gary Benson
Ellen Schneider
Salem Park Board
Richard Seideman
Dr. Edwin F. Snider
L.J. Marker
Al L. Chamberlain
Gary Benson
Phil Settecase
Ann Lau
Jack Thornton
Curtis Culver
Architects: Blanchard & Lamen
Contractor: L.D. Mattson

Robert G. Yost, Salem Senior Center at 1055 Erixon Street, North East, Salem, Oregon. Rear view. This 16,300 square foot facility is operated by the City of Salem., WHC Collections 1999.020.0002
Early in 1973, the City received a generous gift from an anonymous individual and the City Council allocated Revenue Sharing Funds for the Senior Center. A committee of nine seniors, appointed by the Chairman of the Salem Park Board, researched the needs of the senior adults and surveyed the community for a suitable site.
In December, 1973, the senior citizens united in a successful fund drive. However, the soaring cost of construction kept ahead of revenue. It was not until monies from the Community Development Block Grant Funds became available in May, 1975, that the total project was assured.
The City of Salem and its senior citizens are justly proud of the Salem Senior Center. It is a modern, one-story structure, tastefully decorated. The 16,300 sq. ft. facility includes a large multi-purpose room, kitchen, classrooms, activity lounge, craft and hobby rooms, and gift shop.
It’s 60′ x 80′ auditorium may be divided into two program areas with the automatic folding door. An attractive lounge, and the activity room, provide many happy hours of unscheduled activities. The craft wing includes woodworking and lapidary shops, photo lab, a multi-purpose craft room, and the Kraft Gallery – – our sales outlet. A classroom may be used by two compatible classes, simultaneously. Parking will accommodate 93 cars.
In 1998, a police substation was added to the Salem Senior Center, allowing Salem Police Officers to use a room in the Senior Center for a satellite office.
Compiled by Monica Mersinger
Salem Public Library, Ben Maxwell collection, Senior Center government dedication documents HMC-183 Salem (Or.) – Buildings, structures, etc.
This article originally appeared on the original Salem Online History site and has not been updated since 2006.
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