The Willamette Heritage Center Strategic Plan
The Willamette Heritage Center connects generations through gathering, preserving, and sharing Mid-Willamette Valley history.
We are a place for all to discover, engage, and make history.
Integrity (Truth)
- Adhere to preservation standards
- Pursue high standards of scholarship
- Responsibly utilize and manage resources
Inclusion (Welcome)
- Engage with diverse communities
- Provide educational opportunities to all abilities and ages
- Actively work to eliminate barriers to access our resources
Inspiration (Stimulate)
- Seek out and be responsive to our community
- Share our spaces and collections to foster empathy and critical thinking
- Collaborate and encourage community engagement
WHC Strategic Goals 2023-2025:
Goal 1: Increase resources to expand capacity.
Goal 2: Address technology issues to increase productivity, improve efficiency, and drive organizational impact.
Goal 3: Stabilize organization’s internal operations.
Goal 4: Willamette Heritage Center site and structures will maintain a professional, welcoming appearance in accordance with preservation standards.
Goal 5: Strengthen community belonging by developing and instituting an organization-wide DEAI (diversity – equity- accessibility – inclusion) approach in all departments.
Goal 6: Communicate our relevance to sustain a positive influence in the community.
Approved by the Willamette Heritage Center’s Board of Directors, July 2022