Harry S. Thomas
Millworker Harry Thomas, WHC Collections 0079.001.0002 Harrison "Harry" S. Thomas Job Title(s) Fireman [Steam Engineer] Dates of Employment c. [...]
Millworker Harry Thomas, WHC Collections 0079.001.0002 Harrison "Harry" S. Thomas Job Title(s) Fireman [Steam Engineer] Dates of Employment c. [...]
John R. Campbell Sr. Job Title(s) Spinner, Weaver, Fireman, Finisher Dates of Employment c. 1905-1920 Last Name  Campbell    [...]
John Thomas Welch [Welsh] Job Title(s) Fireman, Dye House, Machinist Dates of Employment c. 1896-1909 Last Name  Welch [...]
Marvin B. Thomas, WHC Collections 0079.001.0002 Marvin Benjamin Thomas Job Title(s) Fireman Dates of Employment c. 1928-abt 1936 [...]