J.E. Krauger, Hop Basket Manufacturer
While putting away materials from the History on Tap exhibit we came across the interesting story of Joseph Earl Krauger and his Salem-based Hop Basket [...]
While putting away materials from the History on Tap exhibit we came across the interesting story of Joseph Earl Krauger and his Salem-based Hop Basket [...]
In honor of Theater Outreach's production of The Music Man, set in 1912 fictional River City, Iowa, we decided it would be interesting [...]
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?q=17th+and+Kansas+ST+NE+Salem,+Oregon&layer=c&sll=44.945127,-123.015332&cbp=13,290.85,,0,3.72&cbll=44.944946,-123.015422&hl=en&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=17th+St+NE+%26+Kansas+Ave+NE,+Salem,+Marion,+Oregon+97301&ll=44.945126,-123.015332&spn=0.005164,0.011362&t=m&z=14&panoid=PgdnVlMteT-S3saX0Iuz5Q&source=embed&output=svembed&w=425&h=350] Our volunteer Doug cataloged this photo today of the William Ruth House, located at 975 17th Street NE in Salem. [...]
In 2010, the Willamette Heritage Center received a scrapbook capturing the history of Lincoln School in the late 1920s and early 1930s (1928-1936). Lincoln School [...]
Sometimes when I am going through files I come across something that would be really helpful in the right circumstances. This type-written document with no [...]
This photo came to us in a recent donation. Most of the photos were Salem based images, but we have yet to find a Parberry [...]
A research request today for help finding the burial in Salem’s Catholic Cemetery. The death record recorded the burial at Salem’s Catholic Cemetery and the [...]
The Marion County Historical Society received a donation of materials documenting the lives of the Fast family of Salem in [...]
This week's copy of Salem Weekly features our newest exhibit: History on Tap. Click the cover photo to the left and read it online now! [...]