Thomas Kay Woolen Mill workers, circa 1932. WHC Collections, M3 1992-008-0001
This image (M3 1992-008-0001) was donated to the museum by a former mill employee who estimated the date was about 1932. It was taken on the west side of the site, nearest 12th Street looking east towards the west face of the Thomas Kay Woolen Mill Building. The building to the far left of the image contained administrative offices for a time. It was torn down to make way for the more modern stucco building that now stands here.
Thanks to the sleuthing of WHC staff and research volunteers, we have been able to look a bit more deeply into the lives of the workers pictured in this photo. Use the links below to learn more about the individuals pictured.
Front Row
Seated left to right
Barker, Amos — Wet Finisher
Lehman, Carl — Boss Dresser
Yarnell, Jay — Spinner
Noack, John — Spinner
Carthew, Mac –– Spinner
Fisher, John — Weaver
Noack, George — Spinner
Loewen, William “Bill” — Boss Carder
Lindemann, John — Carder
Boedigheimer, Fred — Weaver
Boedigheimer, Carl — Weaver / Loom Fixer
Ohmart, Lee — General Laborer
Seamster, Robert “Bob” — Weaver
Seamster, Hubert — Weaver
Hemann, George — Boss Weaver
Hall, Ferdig — Loom Fixer
Back Row
Standing left to right
Donaldson, Oscar — Boss Spinner
Ohmart, Roy — Bookkeeper
Deacon, George “Harry” — Weaver
Meeske, Bud — Hander-in
Page, Albert — Filling Carrier
Lehman, Fred — Weaver
Reid, Edward “Ed” –Weaver
Blanchard, Harry — Weaver
Front Row
Seated left to right
Burton, Janet [LeRoy] — Blanket Binder
Back Row
Standing left to right
Papenfus, Elsie [Hammer] — Specker
Apple, Minnie [Wood] — Spooler
Swanson, Pearl [Heath] — Sewer
Manning, Clara [Allport] — Weaver
Goss, Florence [Osburn] — Weaver
Follrich, Ruth [Young] — Weaver
Barker, Bertha “Betsy” [Hull] — Burler
Campbell, Milia [Connawarf] — Burler
Wolf, Clara [Steininger] — Specker
Pickens, Hazel [Cushow] — Seamstress
Myers, Daisy [Eastborn] — Specker
Lillian S. Greene — Weaver
Barnes, Dora [Lehman] — Weaver
Christie, Harriet [Page] — Winder
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