Working at the Mill
The Thomas Kay Woolen Mill operated from 1889 – 1962. The mill would not have been functional without hundreds of employees to oversee the manufacturing, distribution and administrative processes. While not without industrial hazards, there was a sense of community and camaraderie among workers at this mill — many of whom spent most of their careers here and worked alongside family members through multiple generations.
This page is intended to be a clearinghouse of information on individuals known to have worked at the Thomas Kay Woolen Mill over its existence. Names will be added as they are identified thru mill records and reference materials by our research volunteers. When the research worksheets are completed and posted on the WHC blog, they will be linked to the names listed below. If you would like to know more about what working conditions were like generally at the mill and what jobs these workers did click here.
Alphabetical List of Known Employees
- Abraham, Clara T.
- Abraham, William
- Ade, Gertrude
- Albrich, Mary A.
- Allen, Abbie E.
- Allport, Augusta
- Allport, Carl
- Allport, Clara
- Allport, Dean C.
- Allport, Donald B.
- Allport, Emil N.
- Allport, Flora
- Allport, Maude
- Allport, Norman
- Allport, Pearl
- Allport, Queenie
- Allport, Thomas
- Amey, Otto
- Anderson, Frances
- Andrews, T. O.
- Antrican, Donald E. Jr.
- Antrican, Edward D. Sr.
- Antrican, Esther A.
- Apple, Minnie
- Atkins, Clark A.
- Atterbury, Emma
- Badeau, Gertrude
- Bailey, Dora
- Baillie, Bessie
- Baillie, George T.
- Baker, Burtis M.
- Barber, Morden J
- Barker, Amos
- Barker, Bertha
- Barnes, Dora
- Bartlett, Grace
- Basey, Walter S.
- Bassett, Edson E.
- Bauer, George
- Bauer, Theresa
- Bauer, William
- Baysinger, Florence
- Beacham, Arthur M.
- Bean, George
- Bean, Jane
- Bean, Mary
- Bean, Herbert
- Beard, Ralph H.
- Beck, Claude W.
- Beeske
- Beckley, Helen
- Bello, Mary Alice
- Bem [Behm], William
- Benedict, Cecelia
- Benedict, Martha
- Benson, Mary B.
- Benson, Ray L.
- Benson, Roy E.
- Bentley, Beatrice
- Bentley, Herbert
- Bentley, Roy L.
- Berry, Wilbur F.
- Betkar, Rudolph J.
- Bier, Charles E.
- Bigler, Bessie
- Bigler, Lettie
- Bishop, Charles Pleasant
- Bishop, Clarence M.
- Bishop, Martha (Fannie) Kay
- Bishop, R. Chauncey
- Bishop, Royal T.
- Blackburn, James
- Blanchard, Harry
- Blanchard, Vera
- Blischke, Evelyn
- Blower, Nancy
- Boedigheimer, Carl
- Boedigheimer, Fred
- Boedigheimer, Peter
- Boggs, Harvey C.
- Bondell, Helen R.
- Boon, Daisy
- Boon, Emmett R.
- Borneman, Charles A.
- Bourson, Evelyn M.
- Bowen, Chester C.
- Bowman, Jack L.
- Bowman, Van V.
- Boyce, Emma
- Boyles, Arch W.
- Brand, Martha E.
- Brauning, John F.
- Breitenstein, Stephen
- Bressler, Edith
- Bressler, Glenna
- Britton, Ellis D.
- Brooks, Don
- Brown, Charles
- Brown, Martha
- Brown, William F.
- Browning, Arney B.
- Browning, Elizabeth
- Browning, Fred J.
- Brunelle, Edna
- Brunk, Earl
- Buckley, Zula Z.
- Buettner, Paul
- Buick, Muriel
- Buller, Clarence F.
- Bunn, Hollie
- Burch, George M.
- Burford, Sherman J.
- Burrano, Sam
- Burton, Beatrice B.
- Burton, Janet
- Burton, Robert R.
- Bush, Ted L.
- Cade, Arna
- Caldwell, Clara K.
- Campbell, Arnold P.
- Campbell, Charles W.
- Campbell, Harvey W.
- Campbell, Ida
- Campbell, John
- Campbell, John R. Sr.
- Campbell, John R. Jr.
- Campbell, Mabel L.
- Campbell, Richard
- Campbell, Wavel M.
- Campbell, Milia
- Campbell, Roy F.
- Cample, John
- Cannon, Mabel J.
- Carr, Marion
- Carroll, Wayne
- Carroll, Grover C.
- Carthew, Mac
- Carver, W. Leslie
- Chandler, Viola
- Charpilloz, Elizabeth B.
- Charpilloz, Paul
- Cheffing, Floyd M.
- Cheney, Mary Alice
- Cheney, Nora
- Cheney, Sabina
- Chesney, Oliver
- Christian, Frank C.
- Christie, Harriet
- Churchill, Eldon C.
- Clark, Beatrice
- Clark, Ethel
- Clark, Laura
- Clearwater, Ella
- Clifford, Edna
- Clowes, Dolly M.
- Clowes, William H.
- Cochran, Aaron K.
- Cochran, Rhoda A.
- Colgan, George H.
- Colgan, Nettie
- Collette, Adaline
- Comstock, Ella M.
- Comstock, George
- Comstock, Marion O.
- Comstock, Minnie
- Comstock, Nadine M.
- Comstock, Roy B.
- Conger, Flora A.
- Conger, Pearl E.
- Connawarf, Milia
- Contreras, Eugene B.
- Contreras, Frank F.
- Contreras, John G.
- Contreras, Joseph L.
- Contreras, Pastora
- Cook, Clinton
- Cookingham, Roy E.
- Cordingley, Joseph
- Cordingly, Phoebe Ann
- Coshow, Hazel “Minnie”
- Coshow, Robert H.
- Counts, Hilda R.
- Crintz, John J.
- Crooks, Elmira Margory
- Crum, May
- Curl, Helen
- Cushow, Hazel
- Dalby, Myra
- Dalziell, Verna L.
- Daniels, Dolly A.
- Davis, Marie
- Deacon, George
- Deacon, Phoebe Ann
- DeFord, Lucy
- Demester, Robert
- Demeter
- Denny, Lottie L.
- Denton, James
- Denton, Walter
- Derthick, May
- Derksen, Wyona
- Dewitz, Agnes
- Dewitz, Emma H.
- Dignam [Digman], Joseph
- Dimeler, Nettie
- Ditter, Raymond J.
- Doherty, Dan P.
- Doherty, Julia
- Donaldson, Augusta
- Donaldson, Charles [Carl]
- Donaldson, Ella M.
- Donaldson, Emil P.
- Donaldson, Ercel [George]
- Donaldson, George J.
- Donaldson, Hilge [Luke]
- Donaldson, O. Leonard [Boots]
- Donaldson, Oscar L.
- Donall, Dorothy V.
- Dooley, Zula Z.
- Douglas, Gilbert M.
- Doyle, Gertrude
- Doyle, Pearl
- Drager, Lucretia
- Duman, Kathryn A.
- Duman, Margaret L.
- Dunigan, William
- Dunlap, Effie
- Dunn, Theral C.
- Dunsford, Matilda
- Earl, Edward G.
- Earl, Esther
- Earl, John E.
- Earl, Mary P.
- Earl, William G.
- Eastborn, Daisy
- Edwards, Elmira Margory
- Edwards, Otis O.
- Eiting, John
- Eiting, Tillie
- Elford, Myrtle M.
- Ellner, William
- Erickson, Ida
- Erickson, Richard
- Ernst, William
- Etter, Glenn A.
- Ettner, Andrew
- Ettner, Bessie E.
- Ettner, Martha E.
- Ettner, William J.
- Evans, E.
- Exline, Paul
- Faltermeyer, Mary
- Farnell, James
- Farnell, John F.
- Farrar, Agnes
- Farrar, Emma
- Farrar, Joseph W.
- Farrar, Squire
- FaVille, George
- Feilen, Julia A.
- Fellows, Eleanor
- Fenske, Adolph E.
- Fenske, Henry
- Ferguson, Myrtle
- Field, Emma
- Fimby, Casamiro
- Fimby, Levi
- Fimby, Pastora
- Findley, Ella
- Finley, Anna
- Finley, Ella
- Finster, George
- Finster, Joseph H.
- Fisher, Amelia
- Fisher, Bessie E.
- Fisher, Jacob
- Fisher, John G.
- Fisher, Lottie L.
- Fisher, Phillip H.
- Fisher, Rose
- Fisher, Sabina
- Fitzgerald, J.J.
- Fletcher, Glenna
- Foley, Patrick J.
- Follrich, Ruth
- Foltz, Louis F.
- Foltz, Mary A.
- Fournier, Sarah
- Fox, Earl W.
- Fox, Frederick W.
- Fox, Glenn E.
- Fox, Helen
- France, Dorothy V.
- Frost, Frank L.
- Fuller, Dora
- Gaedecke, Nora
- Galloway, Ralleigh
- Gamble, Herbert R.
- Gamble, John A.
- Gamble, Ned L.
- Gamble, Ritha
- Gehlar, Martha
- Gilson, Lottie L.
- Girard, Agnes E.
- Goertzen, Marie
- Goffin, Christina
- Goldson, Fred J.
- Gookins, Oscar N.
- Goss, Florence
- Goss, Kenneth
- Goss, Verna
- Goughnour, Hannah
- Graber, Martha
- Gray, Miner M.
- Green, John
- Green, Lydia
- Green, Marie
- Green, Pearl
- Green, Frank F.
- Greene, Lillian
- Greenwood, Marshall
- Griffin, Kenneth
- Grigg, Wallace C.
- Guard, Agnes
- Guerne, Clara
- Hall, Clarence
- Hall, Dena
- Hall, Ethel D.
- Hall, Ferdig
- Hall, Gertrude
- Hall, Mary L.
- Hall, Thomas
- Hall, Tillie M.
- Hamar, L. Dow
- Hammer, Elsie
- Hancock, Samuel T.
- Hand, Berniece
- Hansel, Herman C.
- Hansel, Walter
- Hansel, Alice
- Harland, Pearl Clinton
- Harmon, Ed
- Harnett, Charles
- Harritt, Frank
- Hart, Pence
- Hart, Ronald
- Hastings, George Jr.
- Hastings, George Sr.
- Hastings, Hannah
- Hawley, Edgar
- Hays, Frank
- Hazelwood, Oliver E.
- Heath, Pearl
- Hebbs, Walter
- Hedrick, James E.
- Heinz, Bill (see Hinz, William)
- Heisler, Mary L.
- Hemann, George
- Hemann, Christina
- Herboldt, Grace
- Herboldt, Martha E.
- Herboldt, William
- Herrera, Katherine
- Hickman, Minto
- Hill, Amy
- Hinshaw, Clarence W.
- Hinz, Charles
- Hinz, William
- Hirsekorn, Edmund
- Hodge, Martha J.
- Hodgkin, Rocky P.
- Hoffman, Margaret
- Holloway, Esther A.
- Howatt, Arthur Stephenson
- Howe, Chester L.
- Howe, Christine
- Howe, Claire J.
- Howe, Lester M.
- Howe, Rolla
- Howe, Sadie
- Howe, Wava
- Howell, Eury E.
- Howell, Helen
- Hubbard, Carl
- Hubbard, Joseph W.
- Huffman, Claude
- Hug, Frank
- Hug, Joseph
- Hull, Bertha
- Hultenberg, Queenie A.
- Hunt, Mattie
- Hunt, Zula Zong
- Huntington, Hollis W.
- Huntley, Dwight D.
- Huntley, Lloyd A.
- Hutton, James W.
- Hysler, Kenneth H.
Irvin, Anna
- Jamison, Blanche
- Jantze, Clarence Earl
- Jayes, Glenna
- Jones, Amelia
- Jones, Arthur R.
- Jones, Cal
- Jones, Mabel L.
- Kahler, Bernard
- Kahockly, John
- Kamshire, John J.
- Kantelberg, Conrad W.
- Kantelberg, Erich R.
- Kantelberg, Gustav H.
- Kantelberg, William
- Kaufman, Albert
- Kaufman, Henry
- Kaufman, Jacob A.
- Kaufman, John J.
- Kaufman, Joseph L.
- Kaufman, Pearl
- Kaufman, Rose
- Kavanaugh, Clara T.
- Kavanaugh, Joseph
- Kay, Eleanor
- Kay, Ercel W.
- Kay, Henry G. (Harry)
- Kay, Lenore
- Kay, Martha (Fannie)
- Kay, Thomas Benjamin
- Kay, Thomas Benton
- Kay, Thomas Lister
- Keene, Ida
- Keeney, Edith
- Keeton, Nellie M.
- Keith, Robert
- Kelly, Dolly A.
- Kelly, James E.
- Kelly, Minnie May
- Kennen, Roy O.
- Kennon, Homer
- Kent, Rollo D.
- Kerber, Adam G.
- Kingston, Bill
- Kingston, Charles G.
- Knowland, Letha W.
- Koch, William
- Kohler, Edith
- Koppe, Clara
- Koppe, Emil
- Koppe, Hattie
- Koppe, Louis
- Koppe, Otto
- Koppe, Paul
- Kroft, Katie
- Landles, David
- Langford, Mary A.
- Lansing, Grace
- Laurence, Darlene
- Lavock, Emma A.
- Leabo, Bruce
- Leabo, Isaac
- Leabo, John J.
- Leabo, Joseph E.
- Lee, J. L.
- Lehman, Amelia
- Lehman, August
- Lehman, Carl
- Lehman, Dora
- Lehman, Ella
- Lehman, Ernest
- Lehman, Fred
- Lehman, Glenna
- Lehman, William
- LeRoy, Janet
- Lien, Alfred W.
- Ligon, Elwood A.
- Lindemann, John
- Lindsay, John
- Liston, Florence
- Little, Charles
- Lloyd, Clara L.
- Loewen, William
- Lomax, Alfred H.
- Lord, Arthur
- Lord, Lizzie
- Lovall, Lottie
- Lucas, Dymple G.
- Lupton, Edward
- Machado, Marie
- Magel, Talitha
- Maguire, Mrs.
- Mann, Anna F.
- Manning, Clara
- Maplethorpe, Beulah F.
- Maplethorpe, Eva P.
- Maplethorpe, James A.
- Maplethorpe, Osborne
- Marsh, Willard
- Marson, Ida
- Matheny, Edith
- McAllister, Celia
- McAllister, Jeanette
- McAllister, Laura
- McAllister, May
- McAllister, Myrta
- McAllister, Myrtle
- McCarthy, Charles M.
- McCormick, Benjamin K.
- McCormick, George C.
- McCormick, Lyle
- McDonald, Rebecca
- McDonald, Stella M.
- McDowell, Lucy
- McDowell, Oren C.
- McElroy, Viola
- McGee, Alexander E.
- McGee, Anna F.
- McGee, Charles H.
- McGee, Frank E.
- McGee, Patrick F.
- McGee, William F.
- McGregor, Walter R.
- McIntyre, Mary
- McIntyre, Peter
- McIntyre, James D.
- McLin, Katherine
- McLoed, Helen R.
- McNall, Stella E.
- Mead, Ruby C.
- Mee, Chester A.
- Meeske, Edwin H. “Bud”
- Meithoff, Don L.
- Mentzer, George F.
- Mentzer, Vernon P.
- Mentzer, Wayne
- Meyer, Fred H.
- Meyer, Lena
- Meyer, Marguerite
- Miller, Christine
- Miller, Henry J.
- Miller, Herbert H.
- Miller, Laura
- Miller, Susan
- Minor, Jeanette
- Mitchell, Hattie K.
- Mitchell, Herman R.
- Moore, Dolly
- Moore, W [or M] J.
- Moore, Mrs.
- Morton, Robert L.
- Most, Henry
- Moullet, Harvey C.
- Moullet, Helen
- Moullet, Vera
- Moyer, Margaret
- Moyer, Vincent Y.
- Muelhaupt, Otto J.
- Munson, Margaret
- Murphy, Myrta
- Murray, Anna F.
- Muths, Emma
- Myers, Daisy
- Myers, Willard
- Nachtigal, Anna
- Neal, Oscar
- Neal, William
- Neckerman, William
- Neelands, Bruce
- Neelands, Orlando
- Negstad, Augusta
- Nelson, Mary A.
- Newby, Ira
- Newby, Ospha
- Newman, Benjamin
- Newman, Benton
- Newman, Mabel
- Newman, William
- Nickerson, Esther
- Noack, George
- Noack, John
- Noack, Paul
- Nolan, Letha
- Northcutt, Ella
- Nusom, Talitha
- Nuttall, Edward
- O’Donald, Frank
- Ohmart, Lee
- Ohmart, Roy
- Okerberg, Carl
- Olds, P.G.
- Olinghouse, Pearl
- Olson, Chester O.
- Olson, Esther A.
- Osborn, Katie
- Osborne, Edward
- Osborne, Joseph
- Osburn, Adda
- Osburn, Florence
- Owen, Bessie
- Owen, Lizzie
- Page, Albert E.
- Page, Chester A.
- Page, Chester E.
- Page, Harriet
- Page, Helen
- Page, Mary E.
- Page, Raymond E.
- Pankalla, Katherine
- Papenfus, Elsie
- Parker, Otto
- Patterson, George H.
- Pearson, Mary
- Peepler, Nora
- Peerenboom, John
- Peerenboom, Theodore
- Peerenboom, William T.
- Perlich, Robert G.
- Pero, Edward A.
- Pero, Edward H.
- Pero, Grace
- Pero, William
- Peterson, Amelia
- Peterson, E. Drusilla
- Peterson, Elmer
- Peterson, Emma
- Peterson, Eva
- Peterson, Lester
- Peterson, Nils A.
- Petrasy, Darlene
- Petrasy, Edna
- Petrasy, Steven J.
- Phernetton, Clyde
- Phernetton, Dora
- Phernetton, Edna
- Phernetton, Edward
- Phernetton, Josephine
- Phernetton, Pearl
- Picha, Clyde
- Pickard, Ida
- Pickard, Lewis W.
- Pickens, Hazel C. “Minnie”
- Pickens, Knaffle H.
- Porath, Augusta
- Pratt, John S.
- Pratt, William
- Price, Fred
- Printz, Emma
- Printz, John J.
- Privsley, C. M.
- Quinnett, Raymond C.
- Raff, Reuben
- Rains, Edith
- Raistrick, Seth
- Ramsdell, Thomas M.
- Randolph, Alice
- Raveaux, Louis
- Raveaux, Mary
- Raveaux, Paul
- Raveaux, Rose
- Redemske, Hattie
- Reed, Effie
- Reid, Edward
- Reid, John M.
- Reid, Walter
- Rex, Mike
- Reynolds, Florence
- Rhodes, Allen
- Rhodes, Nora
- Rich, Lawrence A.
- Rich, Robert D.
- Rich, Samuel
- Richter, Fred A.
- Richter, Minnie
- Richter, Sylvia
- Riley, Charles
- Riley, Grace
- Ristow, Charles
- Roberts, Lenore
- Roberts, Verna
- Robl, Kathryn G.
- Rockhill, Fred
- Rockhill, Grace
- Rockhill, Joseph H.
- Rockhill, Pearl
- Rolfe, George C.
- Rollo, Ida May
- Ronner, Hulda
- Rose, Charles O.
- Roth, Emil J.
- Roth, John
- Rotzien, Fred
- Rotzien, Otto T.
- Royer, Preston
- Rudling, Alice A.
- Rudolph, Bertha
- Rundle, Ira
- Ryan, Bessie E.
- Sadler, Hoyte W.
- Sager, Annie P.
- Sampson, Albert
- Sandau, Roray “Ray” John
- Sanders, Dora
- Sanderson, George
- Sanderson, Ross
- Sargeant, Carrie E.
- Sargeant, Clinton C.
- Sawyer, James E.
- Sawyer, Mabel L.
- Sayre, Esther
- Schaum, George C.
- Schindler, Pearl
- Schmidt, Anna N.
- Schmidt, Detrick R.
- Schneider, Emma
- Schnuelle, Martha L.
- Scholz, Herman R.
- Schriver, William
- Schultz, John C.
- Schulz, George A.
- Schulz, Frank J.
- Schumacher, J. C.
- Schwenaurth, Cora
- Scott, Flora A.
- Scott, Lillian
- Seamster, Earl
- Seamster, Harley
- Seamster, Hubert
- Seamster, Robert
- Semke, Henry
- Sevey, Stanley R.
- Shain, Earl E.
- Shank, Verna L.
- Shaw, Berniece
- Shaw, William E.
- Shepard, Charles A.
- Shepard, Wallace
- Shepherd, Viola
- Sheridan, Alice
- Sheridan, Anna
- Sheridan, Cecelia
- Sheridan, Julia M.
- Sheridan, Martha
- Sheridan, Mary Agnes
- Sheridan, William P.
- Shinder, Martha
- Shinder, Mary
- Shipman, Russell F.
- Shoemaker, J. C.
- Shontell, Abbie E.
- Shrum, Archie
- Shrum, Hulda
- Shutz, Lizzie
- Silbernagel, Theresa
- Simpson, Earl R.
- Sloan, Frank L.
- Smith, Berniece
- Smith, Dick
- Smith, Earl
- Smith, Frank
- Smith, Harry
- Smith, J. Robert
- Smith, James
- Smith, Rena
- Smith, Ruth
- Smith, Sadie
- Smith, Verna
- Smith, William H.
- Snell, O.
- Snyder, Fred
- Sones, James C.
- Spence, Hazel
- Spiers, Edward
- Squire, Katherine
- Stainke, Adolf
- Stanton, Charles
- Stanton, William
- Statler, Winnie
- Steffin, Emil
- Steinke, Rose
- Steininger, Clara
- Steward, Floyd
- Stewart, Allie
- Stewart, Sarah
- Stillwell, Ida May
- Stone, Edith
- Stone, Elmira Margory
- Stopf, Edith
- Stopf, Elmira Margory
- Strand, Frances A.
- Stratton, Charles
- Sullivan, Henry
- Sullivan, Julia
- Swafford, Elliot J.
- Swanson, Paul
- Swanson, Pearl
- Sweeney, Josephine
- Taylor, Ralph
- Teeter, Ray
- Temple, Hayes
- Thomas, Harry S.
- Thomas, Marvin B.
- Thompson, Bell
- Thompson, Henry (Harry)
- Thompson, Myrtle
- Thornton, Henry
- Thornton, Oliver
- Tomlinson, Charles E.
- Towne, Maude J.
- Towne, Paul B.
- Trefry, Viola
- Tuel, Hattie B.
- Tuel, M. Orvel
- Tyler, Inez
- Tyler, Lloyd V.
- Van Buren, Ernst
- Van Buren, Fred A.
- Viesko, Sylvia
- Vohs, Bessie E.
- Wagner, Roy W.
- Wait, Carrie E.
- Walker, William A.
- Walling, Beulah
- Walling, Pearl
- Walling, Hazel E.
- Walter, Fred
- Ward, Hal O.
- Ward, Orville
- Warner, Jacob
- Watkins, Wava
- Watson, E. J.
- Watson, Mrs. E. J.
- Watson, Harry D.
- Watson, Maud
- Watts, Adeline
- Weatherhead, Thomas
- Weaver, D. J.
- Weekly, Johnnie William
- Weekly, Preston
- Welborn, Clyde
- Welch, James E.
- Welch, John T.
- Welch, Laura M.
- Welch, Matilda
- Welcome, Lillian
- Wells, W.C.
- Wenger, Sadie
- White, Edith
- White, Gilbert
- White, Mary M.
- White, Muriel
- White, Myra
- Wicker, Augustus
- Wickizer, Kelly G.
- Wickizer, Minnie May
- Wickman, Gerald H.
- Williams, Edna
- Williamson, Arthur L.
- Wilson, Grace
- Wilson, J.W.
- Witte, Rose
- Woelfel, George
- Wolf, Clara
- Wolf, Genevieve
- Wolff, Anna
- Wolff, Elizabeth
- Wolff, Emma
- Wolff, John
- Wolff, Ritha
- Wolff, Sarah
- Wolz, Carl W.
- Wolz, Myrtle
- Wood, Minnie
- Wright, Alpha
- Wright, Amy
- Wright, Daniel Perry
- Wright, Effie
- Wright, Eleanor
- Wright, Harry
- Wright, Lena
- Wright, Lydia
- Wright, Samuel
- Wright, William
- Yandle, Myrta
- Yantis, Zoe M.
- Yarnell, Jay
- Yeaton, Marguerite
- Yoho, Grace C.
- Young, Alpha
- Young, Ruth
- Zell, Loyal T.
- Zimmerman, Levi C.
- Zwicker, Augusta
- Zwicker, Clara T.
- Zwicker, Hulda
- Zwicker, Leonard W.
- Zwicker, Lillie A.
- Zwicker, Otto
- Zwicker, Rose
- Zwicker, Tillie M.